
K I've been tagged so I have to to answer some questions.
          	1. My crush.
          	Don't have one.
          	2. My middle nane.
          	Don't have a middle name.
          	3. who did I last text.
          	My mom.
          	4. When was the last time I cried.
          	When someone stole my Cookie's ;-;
          	5. How tall am i
          	IDK XD


6. What my favorite song. 
          	  Um cant choose. ^^:
          	  7 eye color.
          	  Blackish brown.
          	  8.Whats my greatest fear.
          	  Spiders T.T


Thank god I found this account with your Chat Noir x male reader reading list. Kinda hard to find those stories. Also, if you're interested, I have a Chat Noir x male story of my own. Sorry if I keep on promoting myself. Its just that I really want to know if people actually like my story. Anyway, thanks for your time. :D 


@pawlover17 omg IMMA CHECK IT OUT THANKS 


K I've been tagged so I have to to answer some questions.
          1. My crush.
          Don't have one.
          2. My middle nane.
          Don't have a middle name.
          3. who did I last text.
          My mom.
          4. When was the last time I cried.
          When someone stole my Cookie's ;-;
          5. How tall am i
          IDK XD


6. What my favorite song. 
            Um cant choose. ^^:
            7 eye color.
            Blackish brown.
            8.Whats my greatest fear.
            Spiders T.T