I'm a Muslim and a busy person.

Name: (松尾明日香)matsuo asuka
Second Owner;黒羽雪村 kurobane yukimura
Nickname: kuroyuki

Hobby: Reading, Drawing, Writing diary and Singing and Listening to the music...(as long as I'm alone)

Special Thanks to;
-my precious friend/editor of my story: Meguri Luka
-our second owner of this account, my stepbrother, kurobane yukimura.

I just have a few friends since I'm not popular in my class....
*I don't care since that I prefer to be alone and I don't like to talk much*

Since I was a little child, I like to draw and watch anime and I thought to myself that I wanted to be:-
i) an animator
ii) manga writer
or maybe an anime voice actor.
But I think my parents won't let me...
So, it only remains as my imagination.

My Idol: Rasulullah Muhammad S.A.W, 松岡禎丞 Matsuoka Yoshitsugu.

@_Akabane_Karma_ , @_kitsune_haruka_ , @shinohara_rikka @hanahageda02 , @ZariefIsyraf9 , @Mizuki_DarkWriter

There's many imaginary things in my head that I can't keep it all to myself,
so I thought I want to express my feelings into my story.
I'm not good in English, but I hope you guys ENJOY it...
よろしく おねがいします...
  • انضمNovember 16, 2016


الرسالة الأخيرة
Kuroi_yamiKAGE Kuroi_yamiKAGE Nov 10, 2018 06:15AM
I'm sorry, since I'm so busy and I have no time to write my stories, my sister will take my place to continue my story and we will publish our written story on early december.
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