Hello my lovelies! I am so sorry I've been MIA for a very long time. I've been going through A LOT. Family deaths, divorce, being homeless...it's been a very rough road. If there are any updates you want to kill me for, let me know and I'll start posting them. If not, I'll delete a lot of my unfinished work. Feel free to message me! Again, I'm very sorry for my hiatus...
Hey! Not sure if you’re around but I’ve just read your HP story and wondered if you had any plans to update?? Just so I know to keep the story saved or not :) thank you
Hello my lovelies! I am so sorry I've been MIA for a very long time. I've been going through A LOT. Family deaths, divorce, being homeless...it's been a very rough road. If there are any updates you want to kill me for, let me know and I'll start posting them. If not, I'll delete a lot of my unfinished work. Feel free to message me! Again, I'm very sorry for my hiatus...
@YihengShootElmo Omg I've been waiting for someone to ask me! I had given up hope that anyone cared....thank you so much! Next chapter goes out to you!
I know I have been gone for a very long time...but on the upside I uploaded like...eight chapters....so you can't hate me too much!!! Read up my lovlies!!!
"Dear God, dear Lord, dear vague muscular man with a beard or a sword! Dear good all seeing being, my-way-or-the-highway Yahweh. The blue-balled anti-masturbatior, the great all loving faggot hater!" Yup. Christianity in a nut shell