@sakufloe / a Greek mythology based applyfic!


it had been such a long time since juno had a fight such as that one.
          oh.. he could remember the past times in perfect memory.
          the way juno would hide in the shadows, using the small spaces and dark areas to his advantage, the way his eyes would glow due to the adrenaline in his veins, and at that time, that was the only thing he had. the way he'd fight for his life, take down powerful enemies, gain even more powerful allies and devour those who opposed him.
          oh, it was so cute to finally experience that again.
          golden drops bled out from his minor cuts, his blade pointed at anos' head and his foot on his back. the battle was swift, quick, and all because juno couldn't stay in one place for long.. it was like he was everywhere.
          he gazed down at his fallen opponent, smiling softly at him.
          " apologies, sweetheart.. i'm afraid that's all the fight you'll get out of me."


            oh, don't think that it only happened to anos for a second, because juno had that same mark on his hand, though kept it well hidden from the onslaught of people around him.
            the only reason for his popularity was because he was simply beautiful.. juno seemed to carry a gracious smile with him, with his own unbeaten record, though.. he was willing to lose if it meant he could do something much more humbling to anos.


@prxttyillusion       ..
               He nodded before running a hand through his hair. He shook his hand and turned away, walking off to go get ready for the battle. 
            He hadn't checked his hand after shaking it. So he had no idea that something was on his hand... till someone happened to point it out. His eyes widened, staring at his hand. What.. did that peasant do?


            " a good choice, i must say. though.. i hope you can figure out ideas to return that dignity, before i do." he grabbed anos' hand and gently shook it, signifying that they had a deal.
            though, perhaps later, anos will come to realize that his hand was marked by the insignia of the peacock..


" here's your cake sir, right on time. i hope your pet enjoys this cake we prepared! "
          aiko smiled softly at the male infront of him, handing him the box with the bakery's signature 'self help' card with a list of things to help with your mental health, along with a business card and, well, the cake. he smiled softly as he took the payment, waiting for the next order patiently.. business was slow, but this custom cake did get them a lot of money, so it wad more than fine.


            " thank you.. you look lovely yourself.."
            he muttered in a shy, soft voice. he seemed so nervous.. was this like a date or something? with all the compliments he received, it might as well be..
            he sat down politely and kept upright, glancing at the food. it looked delicious.. and his house looked so nice too. no wonder, he was famous after all.
            " my name's aiko.. you have a lovely name, haisha," he muttered softly, keeping to himself. oh, but his coworkers always told him to be more social.. maybe then he could finally start dating someone.


@prxttyillusion       ..
               He waited a few seconds before opening the door. His eyes widened when looking at him. “ you look stunning.. come in. Food is on the table. “ he said and closed the door behind him. The male lead him to the table and pulled out his chair for him before sitting down himself.
               “ I’m Haisha by the way. “ he smiled softly.


            aiko soon came by his door after taking a quick shower, having applies one of his perfumes and freshened up his face a bit (with a bit of makeup). he went by the door and knocked on it shyly, placing his hands on his lap. he never thought that he would get invited over by someone so.. cute.. and complimented twice by the same person!


" alex, hold still.. your hair is in your face.."
          ainako smiled softly as she carefully brushed the hair out of alex's face, pressing soft kisses to his forehead with a soft hum. her gaze rested upon him as she smiled softly, keeping him close. she was such a lovey dovey wife to him.. only because she wanted to see him happy, is all.


            she chuckled softly and continued to pepper small kisses to his forehead, arms wrapped around his waist as one hand moved up to play with his hair slowly. she gazed softly at him, smiling.
            " i love you too, alex.. more that you could ever imagine.." she spoke softly, rubbing his sides gently.


@prxttyillusion    ..
               Alex blinked and went still so his wife could fix his hair. “ I love you, y’know that? I’m so glad I married you.. “ he whispered, leaning his head against her chest. He closed his eyes and hummed.
              He hugged her close to him as he stared into her eyes. They were a,ways so calming..


" welcome home, kaeya. "
          there was juno, in his pajamas. a loose, comfortable white shirt suited for nobles, and black pants. legs crossed over each other and his long hair flowing down, colours blending in with the hue of his wings. he was such a beautiful sight.. but that wasn't the strangest thing.
          the strangest thing was that there was a child in his lap.
          he was slowly brushing out the child's hair, carefully getting rid of knots in his blue locks, as the little boy quietly read his book. the taller male hummed, clearly unphazed, as per usual.


            " he's ours now. his name is star, i was actually the one to name him when he was a young child," he explained calmly, slowly tying up the little boy's hair to look neat.
            he looked up at kaeya with a soft smile. well.. juno always had that urge to have children. this should've been expected, as bizarre as it may be.
            " he's from the orphanage that i work at. " he explained calmly, gently hugging the boy on his lap. well.. juno did also mention one time that taking commissions wasn't the only thing he did.


@prxttyillusion :
               When he walked into the house that day, he thought he was just gonna take a shower and cuddle with his boyfriend after a long & stressful day at work... but that wasn’t the case today.
            Kaeya walked into the house and took off his boots. He walked into the main living room. “ Thank you baby— why.. do you have a child in your lap? “ He asked, confusion written all over his face. 
            “ who’s child is that? “ He asked, hoping it was someone else’s child and he just so happened to be baby sitting him.


Uh, hi
          Ima be inactive ( wp & discord ) for a week or two. Just getting a bit busy y’know. 
          More app,Utica are working its way into my brain so I’m sure to come back with new and amazing ideas. 
          Anygays, Goodnight. <33


" roman, it seems as though someone is calling for my presence.. "
          the prince had his pinkie intertwined with that of roman's, matching rings between the two of them as he gazed at him softly. lately, there had been rumours that soon, when the prince got crowned as king, he'd immediately get married to someone..
          well, it was true. but it wasn't the millions of suitors that they theorized about.
          " i'll be back in a few minutes, my liege. "
          he gave a wink and gave his hand a gentle squeeze, cleverly sneaking a kiss to his horns before letting go, walking off with a soft wave to him.


            " my my, what drama.. and you're rather eager to head back, my prince," the king gazed over to his darling with a smile, a rare sight that only a couple people have ever seen. he pulled him closer, pressing a kiss to his cheek. he never really liked pda, but oh well.. he'd gladly do it for roman.
            " i've already finished my shopping, but i am craving something sweet.. can we at least go and get some food?" he asked in a soft voice, practically attached to him by the hip. gay people, smh.


@prxttyillusion :
              Alistair sighed softly. “ Claimed? “ he muttered, confused. That caused Roman to laugh a bit. He lifted up his hand to show off his pretty matching ring. “ Married. You’re loss. Shouldn’t have cheated on me. “ He said. He leaned into the touch as he was rubbing his horns.
            “ Come on, my king. Let’s go home. “ He hummed and stood up, grabbing the others hand. “ I would say it was nice seeing you again, but it really wasn’t.. so. Goodbye. “ He sneered.  
            Alistair looked at them both shocked. The king and Roman.. were married? He had heard a few things about the king getting married but he didn’t know it was to.. him.


            " i'd appreciate if you stopped touching my guard, alistair. he's claimed goods, and i don't like sharing," a formal, upfront voice, fit for a prince.. as he's gently rubbing roman's horns. whether to comfort him or to tease him, nobody knew.
            the prince also seemed bothered, but kept himself quiet. oh, someone was bound to overhear the prince claiming his "goods.."
            that wouldn't be something he was against