
Today is Brendon uries birthday! I love him, he inspires me so much and his voice just makes me melt . My mom didn't believe me  when I said he was 30 so that proves how young he still looks and acts . 


Calling all Emos! 
          I had a dream were Gerard way was in my kitchen and we were talking
          So I said "I'm about to ask a question but you don't have to answer" and he said "go ahead" so I asked 
          "Was frerard real?" AND HE NODS HIS HEAD AND STARTS CRYING BECAUSE HE MISSES FRANK. don't get me wrong, I love lynZ but I ship frerard.


 @FrankInBootyShort ^^^^ I forgot to tag u before I said anything 


  Totally didn't cry....all day......


Also how was your 3/22 ;-;


I just saw a bag that said "I got 99 souls but a witch isn't one ". Dead.
          Ok don't read the next part of u haven't finished the soul eater series or is planning to watch it
          Let's be honest and admit . We all cried when the kishins finger went through the death the kid. .(sorry if I spelt kishin wrong)