Lorene Stunson Hill is a new aspiring author from Florida, USA.  Her first novel is; "To Dance with Ugly People".  Her paperback version has been released,  also available in Kindle.  

Lorene grew up in Detroit, Michigan then moved to central Florida. Her life was not as she would have wished it to be; one of ease and luxury. In fact the opposite was true yet she wished to make it more than it was and tell her story, warts and all, to help others and help bring something good from misery. "To Dance with Ugly People" draws on the wealth of experiences placed in her path. Along that path she completed Creative Writing Courses at the University of Central Florida under the esteemed guidance of Professor Wyatt Wyatt, who taught her that, if you want to write you cannot be a coward. Lorene was never a coward.

Book Title: To Dance with Ugly People [Kindle Edition] also available

Amazon Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B018EUQICQ

Amazon Paperback:

Amazon US: http://www.amazon.com/dp/1519175485

Amazon UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1519175485

Amazon Germany: http://www.amazon.de/dp/1519175485

Amazon Spain: http://www.amazon.es/dp/1519175485

Amazon France: http://www.amazon.fr/dp/1519175485

Amazon Italy: http://www.amazon.it/dp/1519175485

YouTube: https://youtu.be/A5MgP9VeGKs

Like me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Todancewithuglypeople/
  • Lake Helen, Florida
  • JoinedJune 7, 2014


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LHill2 LHill2 Jun 28, 2016 05:50PM
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Story by Lorene Stunson Hill
To Dance with Ugly People by LHill2
To Dance with Ugly People
She has the courage, she has the strength, and she has the drive to take the measures necessary to find happi...
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