
IM BACK!!  And I brought back some stores, and posted a new one??? WHo am I??
          	Seriously tho, its been a year. Nearly. I need to get back to writing! And now, I have more interests to write fanfiction about~  
          	but, I am back! And I see I have 12 followers now!!? Thank you so much! I plan on delivering fluff, angst, romance, fanfiction and anything else ya lovelies desire!!


IM BACK!!  And I brought back some stores, and posted a new one??? WHo am I??
          Seriously tho, its been a year. Nearly. I need to get back to writing! And now, I have more interests to write fanfiction about~  
          but, I am back! And I see I have 12 followers now!!? Thank you so much! I plan on delivering fluff, angst, romance, fanfiction and anything else ya lovelies desire!!


Alright if it wasnt obvious... I took a break from fanfictions for a bit.  Main reason, was that I dont like putting out half-butt stuff and i was feeling low on motivation. 
          2nd reason: 
          I got invited to do a SMP for a minecraft server/realm!! So Ive been on youtube and twitch for awhile~  We are still small but we are having fun and building our worlds lore slowly and surely!! 
          Ihave not abandoned Wattpad, Ive just gotten busy. I plan to post and catch up on all my saved stories soon!! hehe!!


            1. Aww
            2. Lucky
            3. Ooof
            4. Welcome back to Fanfictions


Master and Students has been updated! Thank you everyone for being patient. However, while am not a great artist, I did draw Nilda. 
          Would anyone be interested in seeing it? No worries if not! 
          Much love  and stay safe!
          Wash your hands!! :)


As of Today, "Master and Students are up to date~ I am working on the next chapter now! I want to thank everyone for their support and views! I never wouldve imagined any writing of mine would get so much attention! :D 
          If anyone has any suggestions, idea, or questions for me please feel free to contact me on here! Plus I will be adding OC designs on to my Tumblr soon enough! (Im not a great artist... but I can try!) 
          One last shoutout to my new followers/reader/voters! :D :D I will forever be grateful for everyone!
          @Hsantillan21 (They voted on my Kirishima X Y/N story~)
          @BabyBoyShoyo(Read my story "Exchange Hero")
          Yes, I listed everyone I saw on my notifications wall, If i missed anyone Im sorry.  Have a good day everyone!!


@Haedriko pff idk about that! I just wanna make sure no one is left out~


@LadyKnight2100 imagine remembering everyone who votes on the stories o.0 you're on a whole new plain of superiority


I also want to take a moment to thank  @Haedriko and @BabyBoyShoyo and other for reading my  other new story "Exchange Hero".  I appreciate it so much, as that is my own personal OC centered story~  I feel so loved right now!


@LadyKnight2100 haven't read it yet but I'ma get to that rnnnn


@LadyKnight2100 Your very welcome, its so gooooooooood


@BabyBoyShoyo Thank you for liking it!!


I just wanted to say THANK YOU so much to all my new readers! And thank you to Kimdoodlez for showing off my link to the story. 
          Also i want to give a shoutout to @Haedriko for always being on of the first to read my stories no matter what! 
          I would also like to thank,@aromagamet, @IreltheCreativeOne, @Bnhasao, @Undead_Writings,@Bakudekuboi, @FloraRyokoi 
          for reading, voting and some even choosing to follow me! Im so grateful!! I will hope to be worthy of your support!!


@LadyKnight2100 lmao you have to give me a shout out


@Bnhasao Thank you! Oh take your time, and no rush! Im happy you have chosen my story for your reading time!! ^^


*Taps Mic* 
          Hello!! I promise I'm here! I havent updated because 1) school... 2) Im waiting for inspiration so I can give 120% to yall. and 3) Cause I finially got brave enough and posted a new story and if yall wanna read it go ahead!! 
          *Runs off stage*


@Haedriko aww! Thank you hun! 


@LadyKnight2100 lmao school sucks and you bet I'ma go read that