
Hello, my lovelies. I've started a story for the Target #OnceUponNow contest. This could be huge for any person who writes a story for the contest, but here's the catch... you guys have to help determine who makes it and who doesn't. Once voting begins on June 14th, only the 25 stories with the most votes on their first chapter will advance! From those 25, the publisher will pick 10. So guys, on June 14th, I need you guys to read Big Girls Don't Believe In Fairy Tales and vote, get your friends to vote, get your enemies to vote, get your dogs to vote! Let's do this thing! I appreciate you guys so much for every read and vote, so I feel weird asking for more from you... but at the same time, don't we all just want to be read? And if you all are contributing a story, let me know! I'll go and read them!


Hello, my lovelies. I've started a story for the Target #OnceUponNow contest. This could be huge for any person who writes a story for the contest, but here's the catch... you guys have to help determine who makes it and who doesn't. Once voting begins on June 14th, only the 25 stories with the most votes on their first chapter will advance! From those 25, the publisher will pick 10. So guys, on June 14th, I need you guys to read Big Girls Don't Believe In Fairy Tales and vote, get your friends to vote, get your enemies to vote, get your dogs to vote! Let's do this thing! I appreciate you guys so much for every read and vote, so I feel weird asking for more from you... but at the same time, don't we all just want to be read? And if you all are contributing a story, let me know! I'll go and read them!


Hi everyone! I tried to post this the other day, but it wouldn't go through. My contest is live for The Chill on the Wind's release! The Serpent Scar Prize Pack is up for grabs! Go read all the details at, on the contests page! I can't wait to give away some free stuff, so get your entry on and go!


I have a very important message for you guys today. Recently, Alberta- the province I live in here in Canada- has experienced some major flooding. A report I read just this morning said that recovery is expected to take 10 years! I've been living in Alberta almost my entire adult life; this is my home. Seeing how many people have lost everything is so sad- Calgary was not the only city to be flooded, not even close.
          I feel the need to do something to help out. Even though I can't be there to help physically with relief efforts, I CAN do something... For the entire month of July, half of the royalties I receive from sales of The Chill on the Wind will be donated to the Red Cross flood relief fund. Please, help me help Alberta residents recovery from this disaster. Buy a copy of TCotW, tell your friends about it and encourage them to buy as well! And make sure you message me with your name so I can thank you all properly for your willingness to fill a need where you saw one!
          You can purchase TCotW here at and it's available on Kindle as well, with Amazon sales available July 2nd. I encourage everyone to get involved in any way they can. Thank you so much in advance to the ones who will help out; you give us all hope!


Hello, everyone! I am beyond ecstatic to let you guys know that the final version of The Chill on the Wind has been published through CreateSpace! It will be available on Amazon starting July 2nd, but if you just can't wait until then, you can buy it RIGHT NOW through my personal store! Click here to get it: I will be taking down the wattpad version of TCotW after July 2nd, so make sure to get your copy!
          In honor of my book being available for sale, I will be holding a contest! Keep your eyes open for details on the contest and the awesome stuff you could win!


Hey guys! I'm so excited to tell you guys the latest information! I have just submitted my files and cover design to be reviewed and approved from printing! Sometime in the next 24 hours, I will know if I'm ready to print and will have my first 5 copies for free! I will alert you guys as soon as The Chill on the Wind becomes available for purchase, but here's hoping it's soon!


Hey guys, I'm so stoked right now- The Chill on the Wind officially has it's own ISBN number! I'm in the process of getting a few copies printed for me (I have until June 30th to get a few free!) and I have just gotten my ISBN assignment! I could literally jump through the roof right now! Look out world, I'll be published soon!