
Seems that they had taken care of my problem for me with all the sudden and unwanted of the following so I might put up my stories again if you want.  I do however have one I am working on that is total fantasy of a different kind.


Seems that they had taken care of my problem for me with all the sudden and unwanted of the following so I might put up my stories again if you want.  I do however have one I am working on that is total fantasy of a different kind.


This is the third time I had contacted the people of the site and if they do not answer me this time I am not only keeping my works unpublished so nobody can see them but taking my account down.  I wont have hard work jepordized by spam or porn being shown in any language like this on my page.  I will simply find another place to go where they take writers seriously.


Is anyone else having problems with sudden huge amounts of people they are following that they never hit the button for? I'm trying to reach the owners of the site. If I do not hear from them soon I will be taking my stories offline and doing another account either here or somewhere else. I've worked to hard in my stories for some jerk who can't write to steal my work. 


Still writing even if it is irregular.  Daughter with a broken hip didnt help then wanting to learn to drive after that  can leave a mom mentally exhausted lol.  Gotten married right before Halloween  to a wonderful guy who is making sure I write more even if its only a few minutes a day. Happy Summer and happy reading


Been a while since I wrote. People passing away since last year.  Now in the middle of other thngs.  Trying to write inbetween it all.  Happy Halloween. May the spirits be with you Bj Kline.. one of my biggest fans.. may you rest in peace.


Sorry its been a while.  This last year or so was hectic and continues in spurts so bear with me. I am writitng more on my series as well as the others just slow going.  Book 4 in the Howler series is in the making just  hestitant to put it up because the readers have dwindled.


Seems that the moment I have some good luck something else goes wrong. I finally got a new laptop today and when I was going to post the Chapter I managed to write I lost hold of the little USB that it was on.  So im searching for it.  If I cant find it then I will just rewrite the whole chapter.  I do have another I ws also working on from my tablet which im going to share with you.  One more thing before I go... I had a new fan a few weeks ago ask me to look at his writing and for the life of me I cant recall your name. Please get on here when you see this and I will get back to you.