
Well, Although I read on this site, I really haven't done much publishing. Now I do write, and I haven't yet stopped I do have a very bad problem when it comes to the continuation of stories. I have had two chapters of ETON to publish for roughly seven months now. I have yet to as I wanted them looked over by my friend first, but really I just want them out there and hopefully ill be motivated to continue writing.


Well, Although I read on this site, I really haven't done much publishing. Now I do write, and I haven't yet stopped I do have a very bad problem when it comes to the continuation of stories. I have had two chapters of ETON to publish for roughly seven months now. I have yet to as I wanted them looked over by my friend first, but really I just want them out there and hopefully ill be motivated to continue writing.


Long time no see. Whaddup?! :D


Haha that never works because I'm am absolutely terrible in front of crowds. God-awful. I shake and just randomly burst out laughing because I get nervous laughter then laugh like a mad pedo the whole pressentation :/


I hate speeches so much, and just take really deep breaths and chill and it should all be fine :D


Meh. Just busy being a loser as usual. And stressing over a speech due tomorrow that I'm going to fail badly D: Lol, but all in a day's work, eh?