
this message may be offensive
Reason 100000000028 for why I don't step out of my house unless it's absolutely needed :
          	I am sitting in an auto , and there's a lady ( who's very interested in my phone) , so I'm scrolling through my phone and my mum sent me a text saying she needed a certain picture , so I went to scroll through my photos and all of a sudden my finger is pressed on a Larry manip where they are drying off their heads with pink towels and they are naked , COMPLETELY NAKED , like their complete and utter nudity , so I clicked back , as fast I could ( my reflex is terrible) and I just turned to see if she saw what it was and her face was literally like ⊙⁠.⁠☉ ! 
          	I am so fucking ashamed of myself right now , y'all cannot even fathom - 


@LarrysWornoutCloset fair fair but still
          	  its weird when strangers look at your phone
          	  i keep all my manips/1d/larry-related stuff in my locked folder and i'm dreading the day i get dared to show a few photos from there because they are LITERALLY all 1D-related in SOME way


this message may be offensive
Reason 100000000028 for why I don't step out of my house unless it's absolutely needed :
          I am sitting in an auto , and there's a lady ( who's very interested in my phone) , so I'm scrolling through my phone and my mum sent me a text saying she needed a certain picture , so I went to scroll through my photos and all of a sudden my finger is pressed on a Larry manip where they are drying off their heads with pink towels and they are naked , COMPLETELY NAKED , like their complete and utter nudity , so I clicked back , as fast I could ( my reflex is terrible) and I just turned to see if she saw what it was and her face was literally like ⊙⁠.⁠☉ ! 
          I am so fucking ashamed of myself right now , y'all cannot even fathom - 


@LarrysWornoutCloset fair fair but still
            its weird when strangers look at your phone
            i keep all my manips/1d/larry-related stuff in my locked folder and i'm dreading the day i get dared to show a few photos from there because they are LITERALLY all 1D-related in SOME way


Cheers to me , I have an exam in like 5 hours and I just finished reading like 4 Larry one shots ? 
          Then scrolled through some HS and LT and 1D thirst posts on X and now I'm on my way to pinterest to get some inspo for my scrapbook ? 
          What has my life come to ? ToT


@LarrysWornoutCloset procrastination and panic at its finest, 
            and its painfully understandable and atp u have to start praying deadass


          Also , people are scaring me by saying Louis has a girlfriend? ToT


@kloetomlinson I think we're all just looking way too much into it yk  


@temptingstyles as far as I'm aware he followed her on insta and then people started assuming lol. There's no actual proof of anything 


@kloetomlinson babe I have them on snap I swear none of them have posted a story about him being / not-being in a relationship. 
            U don't even have snap and saying I'm winding ppl up is crazy when I never said anything I only stated POSSIBILITIES deadass