
this message may be offensive
Hey guys! Just a little announcement that my life has gone to shit so I will be taking an indefinite break from Wattpad. My boyfriend decided to cheat on me weeks before our anniversary so there’s that :) hahahaaa yeah no I’m barely making it to my uni classes so any spare time is dedicated to crying in my room and trying to figure out if we are still continuing with our relationship. Writing is on hold. Sorry (not sorry). 
          	On an unrelated note, I do finally have instagram after over 3 years of no social media, so if anyone wants to check that out its @makeupbylaura_lisbon


Take care of yourself, love. Never go back to a cheater. And take yourself on a date <3


@LauraDeCastr0, that is plain awful. I hope you take care of yourself, and make sure you eat a lot. You know, to regain energy after all the crying. I get it.
          	  We'll be waiting for you! 


@LauraDeCastr0 TAKE CARE!! YOU COME FIRST (ಥ _ ಥ)


Hi everyone sorry for posting here but I thought I had get some help I have recently gone on a mission to make a public gc in wattpad so plz do join this and make new friends 
          Or go to @Fandom4community  to going our public gc.
          Here you can make friends promote yourself or just vent we don't judge. Hoping to see you new friend (*>∇<)ノ


this message may be offensive
Hey guys! Just a little announcement that my life has gone to shit so I will be taking an indefinite break from Wattpad. My boyfriend decided to cheat on me weeks before our anniversary so there’s that :) hahahaaa yeah no I’m barely making it to my uni classes so any spare time is dedicated to crying in my room and trying to figure out if we are still continuing with our relationship. Writing is on hold. Sorry (not sorry). 
          On an unrelated note, I do finally have instagram after over 3 years of no social media, so if anyone wants to check that out its @makeupbylaura_lisbon


Take care of yourself, love. Never go back to a cheater. And take yourself on a date <3


@LauraDeCastr0, that is plain awful. I hope you take care of yourself, and make sure you eat a lot. You know, to regain energy after all the crying. I get it.
            We'll be waiting for you! 


@LauraDeCastr0 TAKE CARE!! YOU COME FIRST (ಥ _ ಥ)


Hey everyone! I’m sorry about the Book Buddies club, I’ve just been in a major slump lately. The good news is, I’m about to announce your pairs! 
          If you have the time, please stop by and give The Mirror some love. I know i havent been uploading it or the rewrite, I’m just demotivated right now, and I’ve just started Uni and I need to get some part-time work so there’s a lot on my plate


this message may be offensive
"Death doesn't discriminate between the sinners and the saints, it takes and it takes and it takes"
          It's interesting how people react differently to loss. Alura, being modelled after myself, is shaken to her core when she experiences loss, regardless of how many times she looses someone.
          Some people think it's silly to mourn a pet. I think they are family, and I can't understand not being wrecked.
          We knew my dog was old and was going to go soon, but god I cannot understand why it had to be when I couldn't be there to say goodbye or to make sure she felt loved during her last days. I had her almost my whole life (I am 19 and she was 14)
          So here I am at 4am, writing some random shit on wattpad because I pushed away all my real life friends during the winter, and my boyfriend's asleep.
          How do you guys cope with loss?
          No matter how many pets or people I have lost, it never seems to get any easier, and it never seems to stop hurting.


@LauraDeCastr0 I'm very sorry to hear about your loss. You were there for her for so much of her life, so I hope you're not too hard on yourself for something that was out of your control in the final moments. She had a lifetime of knowing how much you cared about her and that's what's most important.
            When we put down our family dog, it was so tough, and the only thing that brought me a small amount of comfort was that he wasn't suffering anymore.  
            Finding someone you trust that you can talk to about it helps for me and. trying to remember the good moments. Sometimes just finding an emotional series to binge to cry about something unrelated to what you're going through helps (or at least in the moment). I wouldn't say that it ever stops hurting; you just gradually think about it less and it stops hurting as often as it did before.


@LauraDeCastr0 oh, hun, I am so very sorry to hear about your loss! i promise you it is NOT silly to mourn those we have lost, regardless of species. it's a proven thing that our minds don't see them as "different" when it comes to our emotional attachment to our animals. 
            I'm also so sorry you couldn't be there with them. those losses are particularly hard. and, dear heart, if it never gets easier, it's just a reflection of your own ability to give love freely, regardless of what you have been through. it's a sign of a certain type of gentleness that can never be shaken from you <3
            personally, when it comes to loss-of which i've had plenty in my life-is i always take the time to feel it, and i mean really feel it. your mourning is a measure of your love, and there is nothing wrong with that. and when it comes to my animals, i like to reflect on their life, what made them special to me, and count up their good days. having an older animal pass away is a special achievement in and of itself. its a testament to your good care you gave them, to allow them to live a life that was full and happy.  you should be very proud of that. It also helps to know that they are now removed from whatever pain they may have been experiencing, and are resting at peace, which is true for every animal you lay to rest. They do not fear the unknown, nor should you for them. <3
            anyway, I hope my words gave you a little bit of hope, and let you know you're not alone in this. much love<3


Hey guys…
          I’m going to have to take a quick break from Wattpad. 
          My dog (who’s 14) has been in the hospital for the past week, and we’re gonna have to put her down. They’re trying to see if she can hold out until we’re back in Portugal, so that we can say goodbye, but it’s unlikely. 
          On top of that, my one year old cat fractured his femur and is having surgery tomorrow. 
          I can’t change my flight to sooner, so my heart’s just hurting a lot right now and writing is the last thing on my mind. When I’m back, I’ll go right on with supporting y’alls work and updating The Mirror and its rewrite, but for now I might just be responding to comments and such.
          Sorry to everyone who’s waiting on their Book Buddies pair, you’ll just have to wait a little longer, but I PROMISE I will pair you (I’ll still try and do that this week)
          Anyway, see you all soon <3


@LauraDeCastr0 Take your time!!! I can’t imagine what you’re going through right now… don’t worry about us, just focus on yourself for a while. I hope you start feeling ok. Sending lots of love <333


@LauraDeCastr0, oh my. I hope your cat's surgery is successful! And, I'm sorry about your dog. Take care. ❤️


@LauraDeCastr0 Can't imagine how you must be feeling right now about your dog. Take care and I hope your cat's surgery is  successful.


Hi my little Faerie!!
          (Just in case you don't know why I'm calling you that, all my followers are my faeries!)
          Firstly, I'd like to start by saying, welcome to the Faerie Flock! I hope you enjoy it here!! Thank you so much for joining!!
          But I'm curious, why did you follow me?
          ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ Whenever you need me, don't hesitate to drop a message to my feed!
          By the way, do you think you can check out my books and leave me genuine comments?


Hi there! I followed you because you signed up for my book club (it is infinitely easier to tag people if you follow them)
            I can definitely take a look at your work! I’m very busy right now, but as soon as I’m home from holiday, I will be redirecting my attention back to wattpad <3


I’m way behind schedule, but I’ve uploaded two more chapters, finally! One for the Mirror, one for the rewrite. I hope you guys enjoy :)
          As for my book club friends, I have several of you to pair up. By the end of this week, I’ll have caught up on the pairings! Sorry for the wait <3