
I love your idea of critiqueing stories! That is exactly what wattpad needs! If I could make a suggestion for your critiques, though, it would be to quickly summarize the general plot of the story you are critisizing. I think more people would read your critiques to get an idea of how good a story is, and if the general plot of it is interesting to them. Just a suggestion... (:


Love doesn't bring people together.  Love is what keeps people together.  But chance, chance is what brings them together.  Pure, simple chance.  An effortless decision to create an emotion of unimaginable importance, or to let the paths pass, unknown to either party what they have lost. 
          Read Running From Them, Running To You . . . pretty please?  With whipped cream and hot fudge and rainbow sprinkles on top?


oo this is so cool! you're a critic! love the username :) i'd love to be you! but i'm too harsh, i'd probably be reported to the wattpadding higher uppers or something, lol. now see i want to ask you to write a totally honest review on my story, but then i hate self advertising, so ignore me, lol.


I know you have loads of requests like this but could you read my story PUNKS! ?
          here's the basic plot:
          Jake Smith is going through a tough spot. His father is dead, his mother is a party animal and, in short, Jake lives a miserable existence as a punk.
          Then Jake meets Mary Jane and his life will never be the same again. But 2 murders of the cruelest calibre are committed and Jake is in danger. An old enemy has returned. As he descends the town into chaos, can they be together?
          And then the warehouse explodes...