Just edited my quotes I've had for the past 2 years. Lol I have nothing yet but just in case you guys want to know what it is.
-LeeAnn Scott
Just saying guys if you suck ass at making book covers send me the pic you want your name and the title of your story and I could make it for you. Hell you don't even have to send me a picture just tell me what it's about or who is in it and I'll creat it from there! Love you all!
Your writer
-LeeAnn Scott
Hi guys. I mite not be on this summer because my mom mite take away all my electronics if I don't get my grades up. And they suck balls right now so fingers crossed and pray for me to get them up by June 10th. I'll be really sad if that happens :( big loves.
your writer
-LeeAnn Scott
Hey guys just wanted to say as soon as summer starts I'm going to be writing SO much more then i am now. I promise that. So please tell people about me if you can. Love you all! Big loves!
your writer
-LeeAnn Scott