
I'm deleting my account :)))
          	I have my heart set on becoming a real, genuine, bestselling author, and wattpad is only going to hold me back and remind me of all of the shitty stories I wrote. Y'all, chase your dreams, grab onto them, never let go. Let go of the things that are holding you back. Thanks for the support over the past year, I appreciate it. But this was it. 
          	I'll leave yall with some final words:
          	"Impossible just means try again." ~Alec Lightwood
          	"We're all worth it, man. We're all worth millions of planets and stars and galaxies and universes." ~River Phoenix 
          	"You endure what is unbearable, and you bear it. That is all." ~Magnus Bane
          	"The show must go on." ~Freddie Mercury
          	Bye :)


@Lemon_Jars thank you! Good luck to you as well :)


@Lemon_Jars good luck man! ciao!


I'm deleting my account :)))
          I have my heart set on becoming a real, genuine, bestselling author, and wattpad is only going to hold me back and remind me of all of the shitty stories I wrote. Y'all, chase your dreams, grab onto them, never let go. Let go of the things that are holding you back. Thanks for the support over the past year, I appreciate it. But this was it. 
          I'll leave yall with some final words:
          "Impossible just means try again." ~Alec Lightwood
          "We're all worth it, man. We're all worth millions of planets and stars and galaxies and universes." ~River Phoenix 
          "You endure what is unbearable, and you bear it. That is all." ~Magnus Bane
          "The show must go on." ~Freddie Mercury
          Bye :)


@Lemon_Jars thank you! Good luck to you as well :)


@Lemon_Jars good luck man! ciao!


Hi um REALLY QUICK if you see this, please respond with a ":)" or something I'm tryna see smth 


@333MiaV ly 2, ty sis :)


@Lemon_Jars life the life you want...YOLO


Hey if anyone cares (ik no one does but whateva) I'm probably done with wattpad. It was fun whilst it lasted but I have no audience, I'm not improving anyone's life, and I'm not even doing it for myself anymore. Maybe one day if way of the world suddenly blows up I'll come back to it, but otherwise I'm out✌ it's been a good year and a half, but it's time for me to start actually working on a book. Ily all, stay safe, feel free to unfollow if you want❤


Hey I'm on hiatus again if anyone cares. I might be gone for good. Life happens and I would much rather work on something that makes me happy than force myself to publish new chapters of a dead book. Anyway rip to my motivation✌ have a good life yall see ya someday✌✨


I AM WRITING A BOOK!! this may not seem exciting or different, but just wait... wait for it mkay... 
          I'm writing the book for myself. 
          I'm not putting it online, I'm keeping it between me and anyone else I choose to share it with whenever I need help or ideas. I'm officially on hiatus, again. I'm also starting school on tuesday so updates wint be happening, at all, for a very long time possibly. If I'm feelin a little down I might update way of the world, but idk.
          Ok, have a great week, feel free to PM me if you wanna talk or anything I guess idk, I probs wont respond but whateva


this message may be offensive
Special mention to Harry Shum Jr. And Matthew Daddario as Alec and Magnus in Shadowhunters. They play a gay couple so fucking well while being straight men. In most mlm on-screen couples played by straight actor(s), theres always an awkward moment, or a bad kiss, and sometimes the actors just show through too much. But I watched only the Malec scenes today and not once was there an awkward moment/kiss. They played the roles so well and the emotion they acted with was really touching. Thank you Matt and Harry, I'm excited to actually watch Shadowhunters sometime soon♡


Thank you for the support on the new book! If you actually see this, then thank u for following me :) 
          It shows the utmost support when you vote or comment on my stories tho :) then ik that people are actually following along with the storyline


Damn the new chapter isn't doing well :/ 
          If you're genuinly reading it then please vote, it's just one tap of a button that actually means so so much to me :))) plus, if you support me then I am more than happy to support you