
Hello friends! How are you all doing this fine evening? I'm currently working on a new chapter of "Touch" and was thinking I'd say hi, show y'all I'm not dead, etc. 
          	Sorry I haven't been very active on here, a lot has been happening in my life recently, but if you guys ever wanna talk with me, I'm super active on Discord, so that feel free to DM me on there (or on here for that matter) if y'all ever need anything! (User in my bio)
          	I love you guys! 
          	Lemon out<3


Hey! I realise it's been forever since I checked in on you. How're you doing?


@Lemon_Tea_Official That's great to hear! I'm doing well, thanks for asking.


@Nerd1Weeb2Geek3 oh my gosh hi Emi!!! It’s been forever! I’m doing great, how about you?? 


Hello friends! How are you all doing this fine evening? I'm currently working on a new chapter of "Touch" and was thinking I'd say hi, show y'all I'm not dead, etc. 
          Sorry I haven't been very active on here, a lot has been happening in my life recently, but if you guys ever wanna talk with me, I'm super active on Discord, so that feel free to DM me on there (or on here for that matter) if y'all ever need anything! (User in my bio)
          I love you guys! 
          Lemon out<3


Hey guys! it’s been awhile, how are y’all doing??? 


@Cherilee747 @Nerd1Weeb2Geek3  I’m alright! Glad to hear you’re doing good as well <33


Hello lemon drops! Sorry I’ve super SUPER inactive lately, my life has been a mess and the new year came so quickly. I’m still around if y’all wanna DM me, but I probably won’t be updating my books for a while. I hope you guys understand. My sights have kinda wandered more into the editing pool over the writing one, if that makes sense. So if you would like to see and interact with me more, please follow my Pinterest account. 
          Thanks for listening to my..rant..? Idk what to call it lol
          Happy new year my lovely lemon drops!! <33


@Nerd1Weeb2Geek3 aww thank you!! I hope you have an amazing 2023 as well <33


@Lemon_Tea_Official Don't worry about it! You're so talented in the editing department, it would be a shame not to put your ability to good use. Glad you're still around though, stay safe and have a wonderful 2023!


How are you doing friend? Haven’t heard from you in a while


@MarvelousMissMarvel hello! I’m doing well. Sorry I haven’t been very active lately, I’ve had no motivation and with the holidays coming up it’s been pretty busy. But I’m still around lol. I hope you’re doing well :)