
Announcement! So sorry chapter 2 is taking longer than expected, but because of that I will make sure to post it by the end of this month at most. hope chapter 3 is published faster than this sorry again happy reading! 


“Open the portal, I’ve had visons a being will come, male or female I don’t know. But he will be chosen as guardian of The Written Isles, I know most think individual guards for their kingdoms will be better, and honoring Castin is what we want. But I see a rebellion in the future, not sure by which Written Kingdom, but it will happen and a guardian is necessary. He will be young so don’t expect a being that’s twenty or thirty. But a lot younger. Brave, kind, thoughtful and most importantly imaginative and free. 
          Hope I never have to give you this, and I can accomplish this by myself but if you read this, it means something might happen to me that can’t be reversed.
          Trust Drax, my apprentice, and loving son. 
          - Aurielius.” Drax starts to weep as he reads, he weeps till he feels weak and the night comes. He uses the pen to create a force field and a fire, for warmth. He sleeps on frozen leaf covered branches that were written to feel soft, but somehow, in some moments it felt just as hard as it should feel.
          Drax closes his eyes as he closes his eyes, he was on his own to make the portal successfully appear. If this being was his dad, mom, sister or even brother, that where mortal he would open the portal to find out. He hated being alone, and worst of all he might have to be like this for years.
          Written magic is hard, takes years. He was nine when he started, took him five years to get to average. 
          He hoped he could both survive and open the portal,
          For Aurielius, for his family, for The Written Kingdom of Evangeline.
          He closed his eyes, as he did his old chapter of life…


But his left foot hit the water, his toes froze through his boots. He immediately removed his foot which he could no longer use, because of the numbness. He limped over across the bridge and made it. He used the normal sparkling galaxy black ink to take away the bridge. He just tapped the invisible bridge with no magical ink selected, just normal black ink, and poof it disappeared. He watched as one of the guards stretched his foot over to where Drax jumped, instead of feeling a bridge like Drax did, his foot freezes and he grunts, as he turns to his companion and they start conversing and pointing at Drax. 
          Drax is there, he goes to the shade of the big white tree, and leans on the enormous trunk, finally relaxing he takes off his boot and gritting his teeth at the immense numbness and pain. He takes the pen again. He smiles at it, Aurielius never let him come near this, now, twice. He used it to save his life. He selects the deep orange, and writes with final relaxation and satisfaction. He always found written magic intriguing, calming and exciting but he just used it to save his freedom. He knew continuing his lessons with the Queen disagreeing, was bad and they were going to get caught soon, but he never thought it would be so soon. His foot is freer, it doesn’t hurt as bad, but he still wraps it with his sock. He looks to his left, the piled books and papers. One title he reads is: A Direct Guide to Opening The Written Portal of the Mortals 
          Does Aurielius want him to open the portal, that would be hard, too advanced, it’d take years, but he’d to it for Aurielius his figure father and perfect professor. He bit the inside of his mouth as he thought about how he saved Drax from getting banished or executed. A tear left his eye, he wiped it. He would open the portal; it doesn’t matter why.
          He looked through the papers and find some messages, handwritten to him from Aurielius.


He started writing, and as he did the guards must have seen him, he heard their heavy armor cling and clang as the walked -not run, because they’re memory was blurry from the after effects- over to Drax. He wrote faster, fear that they would remember what they were doing once they saw the Apeiron-Pen. He recited it in a low voice so they wouldn’t hear his magical chanting. “Get hit, create a never seen bridge, to go over, under, higher, lower, anywhere that my two points desire.” He circles the two-colored words and then two orbs, one glowing white, and the other glowing dark blue appeared and float at the tip of the pen. The first one he should place is white, where he wants the bridge to start. Drax doesn’t put it right where he is, he needs to be smart. The guards don’t know there is a bridge, but he does, so he makes a little jump. And flings the white orb off the pen, into the dark blue water. And he used all his strength to fling the dark blue orb to the little island with the tallest tree in The Written Isles. The guards where right behind him, Drax hid the pen behind his back as he turned to look at the guards. “What are you doing here, are you cold? The town is just a little way away.” “No thanks I’m good.” Drax says as he turns and jumps with all his might, he lands on the transparent road he was pleading with his life worked, 
          And it did.


Drax runs over a little way behind them and pick up the books and papers. He picks up his sorcery bag, and hangs it over his shoulder. He runs ahead past the guards to the Frozen Whishing Waters. The waters aren’t frozen but are deadly cold, anything that goes in freezes, completely, only a heat spell can help the frozen thing defrost. He hears the shaken-up guard’s groan and grunt as they land face first on the dirt. He looks back at the guard who are taking in what has happened, he is at the foot of the lake and floats the pen with one hand, the books and papers in his other. Holding a Apeiron-Pen with one hand is only for professors, or really good students. But Drax used all his concentration to get this right, his freedom and potentially life was on the line, mess up an illusion road. 
          And he’d plunge into his freezing cold death.
          He spun the pen with his one index finger, looking for a white and dark blue gradient. He spun really fast till he landed on the range of gradients.
          Deep blue-green, white-red, beige-orange, clear-white, white-dark green, white-dark blue. Drax muttered a quick “Write.” when he laded on the right combination.


With both his hands, on either side of the pen, the object floating in mid-air. He folded his hands leaving his index fingers out still on either side of the magical pen, he started rotating his two fingers around the floating pen. With every rotation the ink changed, from a sparkling galaxy of black to an array of colors, he’d never seen so many inks. His eyes zipped as he looked at the clear ink compartment closely. As the glowing colors changed from, neo green to pink, orange, white, a gradient of black and blood red, teal, forest green—
          “Hey, put the Apeiron-Pen down! No magic, we can do this the easy way.” 
          Drax face zipped to the guards and back to the pen, he couldn’t miss the icy baby blue ink, 
          Black, sun kissed yellow, dessert beige, brown, icy baby bl— “Write!” he said the most desperation he had ever had, once it had laded on his desired ink, he looked directly at the guards who were becoming bigger and bigger at a fast rate, he started walking backwards, he felt cold bite his skin. He left the books and papers. But once the guards were frozen, he could get them without worrying. He started the spell, by taking the pen in hand, it stopped floating and he held it as if he was writing a letter in the air. He started speed writing he couldn’t mess up the letters or skip any words, perfectly memorized and perfectly written, if not.
          He didn’t want to think about what might happen.
          “Get hit, you’ll freeze. Freeze for a moment, not forever. Just afterwards, you’ll be shaken up and under the weather…” he finishes reciting it, hoping he di it right he circles the translucent icy blue words in the air and they gather up into an orb, one filled with aura and light. The orb is attracted to the pen and floats right at the tip, he points it at the guards who are scarily close but not too close. he tilts the pen back and uses the pen as a launcher to fling the orb off and onto the two guards, they freeze mid-walk.


“Halt! By orders of Queen Evangiline!” “Run, Drax! As far away as you can…” Professor, Aurielius said to Drax as he shoved some books and his Apeiron-Pen into the frighten boys’ arms. The boy looked at his professor, fear in his eyes, at the age of thirteen he didn’t know if he’d seen the man that had been his father figure, ever again. But he’d always listened to Aurielius, and so he ran, he out the big dark wood door. Down the tower steps, 
          he stopped. 
          A guard was in front of him, he passed by pretending he wasn’t in a rush. He was small so squeezing past them was easy, but then they started shouting, telling Drax to stop. “Stop! We need to question you! By orders of the Queen.” Drax wanted to use Aurelius’ pen. But one problem, his hands were full and he couldn’t change through the different inks. He needed to be somewhere open, when he could drop all these books and papers, float the pen and cast a spell on the guards, have them freeze, just so he could get away to the frozen forest where the wishing waters where. Once he was out the tower and the sun touched his skin, he dropped everything and picked up the, Apeiron-Pen. He threw in in the air and as it was about to land on the ground he put his hands around it,
          It started to float.