hey Leo, today it's the day you killed yourself.
I know, it's been a year and I'm still crying, I know this is not what you want "if I die don't cry, just look at the sky and say goodbye" but I can't help it but blame myself for not being a better friend, for not understanding and for being so dumb
I really wish you were here, you were the best friend that I've wished for, kind, wholesome, smart, etc...
I've never expected this day to happen, I know you've struggled with low self esteem but I couldn't know you had suicidal thoughts.. Or else I'd be a better friend
Maybe I should understood by some signs, maybe when you told those things you meant them.. Like the fear of being forgotten, or your favorite citation:"if I die don't cry just look at the sky and say goodbye"
I really wish to know what was happening, and I wish I've been there
It's sad thing a 13 year old (now 14 almost 15❤️)was so tortured by the thoughts that she had no choice but to surrender
It's sad because you couldn't get to live, to experience wonderful things and be happy
I know the worst pain is your parents and sis, seeing the child they raised dead, and how much they are suffering,
It's gonna be hard without you, waking up and knowing.. You're not here.. And we'll never see u again
I hope ur in heaven now, drawing and eating lot of steaks and bretzel ❤️