My name is Lesley, I am 16 year old. I love to write story's. I am in foster care. Some of my stories will be about this however everyone has a different experience. I know my spelling and grammar is bad I don't get English.
  • انضمSeptember 16, 2015

الرسالة الأخيرة
LesleyCaulkin LesleyCaulkin Jan 25, 2016 07:15AM
I am sooo annoyed my story keeps deleting as in the chapter it is like why so might be a while till I updated The girl that never belonged. I am really sorry
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قصص بقلم Lesley
Monster of your own mind بقلم LesleyCaulkin
Monster of your own mind
This is my story of my battle. I have be very vague about people that are involved and please know that I lov...
Life after death بقلم LesleyCaulkin
Life after death
This is some RE homework I had to do last year it is all one chapter. It's about a girl it a carer home who...
One Life! One Chance! بقلم LesleyCaulkin
One Life! One Chance!
A prisoner who has a choice. To live an other year or so. Or put her life on the line to save other just like...
2 قوائم قراءة