Well I love Anime, my fav anime is D.grayman<3
I love to play horror games even though I'm scared of the dark
My fav game at the moment is Dragon Age Inquisition
I LUV to read, my fav series to this day is the Lord of the rings <3
And I especially LUV poetry <3
I suck at writing but I still try :p
I luv horseriding and have my own horse<3
  • Plettenberg Bay, Western Cape
  • ПриєднавсяJanuary 22, 2011

Останнє повідомлення
Lethane Lethane Aug 19, 2011 05:56PM
 @Eventing_Freak5  I've recently watched Vampire Knight and I luv it.As for riding discipline I show jump and do equatation I also help train the horses to jump.
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Історії від Lethane
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