
this message may be offensive
Some crazy shit has been going on. But it's the good kinda crazy. The crazy that makes you laugh and smile. And chuckle at all the weirdness. But eh, it all balances out. I mean I'm not sick with whatver the fuck I was sick with. Probably Ebola. (I know you are screaming "that jokes old!" And I know it too. I just like joking about jokes!") More likely it was like some shitty virus or the flu. Thank gods for online school. Anyway, doubt anyone will read this but whatever. Gotta let it out somewhere ya know!?


this message may be offensive
Some crazy shit has been going on. But it's the good kinda crazy. The crazy that makes you laugh and smile. And chuckle at all the weirdness. But eh, it all balances out. I mean I'm not sick with whatver the fuck I was sick with. Probably Ebola. (I know you are screaming "that jokes old!" And I know it too. I just like joking about jokes!") More likely it was like some shitty virus or the flu. Thank gods for online school. Anyway, doubt anyone will read this but whatever. Gotta let it out somewhere ya know!?


I think I will be doing a semi schedule, just to keep me on track. Here are titles I have planned and when I think I will/can update them:
          Hi, I'm Lexi. I'm an alter ego.
          Genre: humor
          Plot: my story and just the things that happen to me
          Rating: mature
          Updating: at the very least weekly, if not bi-weekly
          It's Twisted, But You Can't Deny Love
          Genre(s): humor, fantasy, romance/love
          Plot: a fiction story based on the plot of Ed Shereen's music video for Give Me Love
          Rating: PG-13 in my opinion, but rated mature in case
          Updating: starting next week, weekly
          I'm a Twisted Poet
          Genre: poetry 
          Plot: just my random poems, mostly dark ones
          Rating: mature 
          Updating: whenever I feel like it/ when I write a poem, starting soon.