Hey guys I've been getting a lot of notifications about really personal and emotional issues all over Wattpad. And I won't lie this probably won't help anybody, but hear me out when say this: You are NOT alone in this world, okay? We all have our tough times and life can turn into hell for some of us and also people can be bitches and just complete ass hats. And we just have to except it because that's just how life is. "What's the meaning of life?" is the question people are asking most of the time. Well you wanna know what I think the answer is? I think the meaning of life is a heartbreaking hell full of trauma, stress, and depression. But, there's also the good things in life. What are the good things in life you may ask? Well there's your family, your friends, etc. So yeah that's my advice for y'all.
I hope I at least got through to some people. Remember: We stand stronger together!
With lots of love I'll see you later! Bye!♥︎♥︎♥︎
Post this as much as possible!