
I'm not dead. Sadly.


I am coming to regret my decision to abandon this site in hopes of escaping the horrid ads and band fics, for I am now in mourning for a fic whose fate I do not know. I simply know that I cannot find it anywhere and dearly miss it and regret not reading it all, for I was foolish enough to think that I would have all the time to do so.
          I would appreciate any information about what happened to a fic that I believe went by the name of "Wit beyond measure" and was about Harry with accidental magic travelling back to the founders' era as a child and growing up to becoming Rowena Ravenclaw. I just wanna know what happened.


@LillianaDD your grieving is serious an understandable. Stay strong :) <3


Happy birthday to me!
          I'm currently lying in bed, nauseous, feeling sick with a major headache.
          My brother hurt his finger badly during a class where they did wood work.
          I'm thinking maybe the gods are telling me to stop being such an ass to myself.
          Not to mention that the Chinese buffeet place I went to with my brother no longer had udon noodles. 


@LillianaDD he lost a part of his nail to a machine used for sandpapering metal, I think... 


I want to reread a book that I can't find. It was about a girl that was transported into Naruto with her friend. Her friend became Rin, while she herself became Kaguya. I don't remember its name or which tags it had, now I'm crying cuz I have two tests today and I want to relax before I suffer.


I found it btw


I have over 12 drafts I'm working on right now. I have to read the Iliad in 3 days or less,  write 3 pages worth of analysis of Achilles and Patroclus relationship.  Test week starts on Friday with chemistry. 
          I hate myself.