
Hey everyone! I'm sorry there hasn't been another update on Songs of a VioLyn yet, I've been struggling to find the motivation and I'd rather wait and post a good chapter than do a half-baked one now. I promise there's more coming soon! Hope you all understand <3


@Lilliebun94  Just a thought, maybe you could do a wedding chapter, there's s book called The Ball. It's Caitvi and it's really cute, just an idea. It seems like it'd be really good! <3


Hey everyone! I'm sorry there hasn't been another update on Songs of a VioLyn yet, I've been struggling to find the motivation and I'd rather wait and post a good chapter than do a half-baked one now. I promise there's more coming soon! Hope you all understand <3


@Lilliebun94  Just a thought, maybe you could do a wedding chapter, there's s book called The Ball. It's Caitvi and it's really cute, just an idea. It seems like it'd be really good! <3


songs of a violyn is such a cute fanfic but I keep having to scroll through the smut and it's so awkward but if I dont read it I cant tell what's going on after it happens so i think I'll stop reading haha


@xiikiramman I do understand that the smut isnt necessary for the storyline I'm just always confused of what's going on after or when the smut ended if that makes sense haha


@xiikiramman I understand that! I'm sorry it wasn't for you, smut isn't for everyone after all. I'm glad you at least enjoyed the cute parts, for what it's worth the smut usually isn't integral to the story but I do get it if it's not your thing


I loved songs of the Violyn! I hope you can add more soon! Well done! Take care! X


@Lilliebun94 School is some priority, I understand, I go to school as well. But congratulations and well done!


@DinosaurMadLass I'm looking to add another chapter soon! I'm still in school so that's taking some priority, but I promise more is coming! I'm glad you enjoy it :)