
Chapter 158 of Omega Wars Chronicles: fathers sins has been released, and damn are things getting more tense.


Saw your message just before the messages deleted. Thanks for the support, but you needn’t feel obligated to read Our Journey Home if you aren't much interested in the shows. Still, your support on Love&Silver is appreciated 


Sorry for the absence, i have not been feeling good. For three weeks i had to get over a certain problem and it was my girlfriend.
             I had to deal with a break up after i found out she was actually dating another person behind my back and she was just using me, so it took a lot for me to get over it.
            Will i continue uploading? I'm not sure anymore. Will my updates be consistent like before? I'm not sure anymore. 
             I'm just tired. So i decided to release this chapter 95 and i am not sure if i might release tomorrow.
            Take care, everyone.