It's a truth universally aknowledged that, in order to be a good writer, you need to be a good liar, you need to convince the rest of the world that your lies - the ones you've been dreamed about until few days ago, while trying with no success falling asleep - are true.
I don't know if I'm a good writer.
But sure as hell, I'm the best liar you'll ever meet.

My name is Chiara, I'm 20-ish year old and I write.
I've studied too much and didn't travel enough in my short life.
I'm in love with Scotland, Edinburgh in particular, and no, it's not because of Diana's "Outlander"! Jesus, am I the only one who's noticed the sudden rising of Scottish-kilt-loving-women, after the omonymous TV series?
I love English, French and German, but I actually know just one of the three.
I write a lot. Have I said that, already? Sorry, but you know... My venerable age!
I wrote "Lithium" with one of my best friend ever, Marika. In March we published Iridium (the second book of the St. Jillian Saga). I'm a self-publisher and I'm very proud of that.
Anything else?
Ah yep, I study at Holden School. Don't you know what it is? Well, it doesn't matter.

Is everything I wrote true?
Who knows.
  • انضمJanuary 17, 2015


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