
Hello everyone. I just uploaded a new fic called There's No Christmas Without You on AO3.  Just a reminder for the question I get asked, no I am not uploading my work on Wattpad. Thanks. Happy New Year.


i absolutely love your fanfic ADSOL , I prefer wp over ao3 for reading but your amazing writing really got me logging back in my neglected ao3 account i created a while back , just for reading your story.....
          thankyou sm for writing that <3
          *kisses your brain in the most non- creepy way possible*


I am so glad that I stopped updating my work on Wattpad. For the second time, they have removed ADSOL with the usual excuses. I'm starting to think it's personal. All my updates are on AO3. Thank you.


@youcancallmeLILA it is like wattpad but better.


@sonput80 yes everything the same as here.


I just found out that you move it to AO3..been looking for ADSOL for long.. how can search for it in the AO3?? Same tittle?


A forewarning. I am leaving my Wattpad account up for only 24 hours. Then I am removing it. This app does not deserve my work. For more information, updates regarding my work, the publishing of ADSOL, and simply to keep in touch with me, you can find me:
          Twitter @50Shadesof Mags
          IG m_g_belle_
          AO3 @LittleSpoonStyles94 
          Thank you for your constant support and love for my stories, but it's time to close my Wattpad account and move on.


@LittleSpoonStyles94 will miss you too much man... adsol is the only fanfic I've read again and again cuz it's too good... good luck love


@Zzqquuaadd honestly, thank you so much.


@LittleSpoonStyles94 good fvcking luck fr gurl, that's it, moving to ao3 is the best decision and you'll have your own website soon and we won't need this shitty app. Wattpad does NOT deserve your work. Ik it must be too much for you jus take it easy on yourself yeah? We'll read your work wherever you decide to put it on !!


Due to Wattpad removing my hard work for the second time, work that I put in a lot of time, effort, and thought process, I will no longer be using this app. I posted on my story on my IG account for my writing what they wrote to me on my Twitter post. Again, I did not break any guidelines or violate any codes. This app simply just removes work that authors put their heart and souls into. I no longer feel inclined to put my work on this app. Its disrespectful to me as an author to have my work removed for no reason. My work will go solely on AO3 and a website I am creating for my work where no one will remove it. If you want to follow me and my writing you can find me on Twitter @50ShadesofMags, IG m_g_belle_ and AO3 @LittleSpoonStyles94 
          Thank you 


@LittleSpoonStyles94 problem is not "breaking guidelines" or whatever they want to call it. Problem is this app is disguising their homophobia under the excuse of "breaking guidelines". >⁠.⁠<


I don't understand why Wattpad removed Sons of The Father? I'm so tired of this. Waste of my time and energy and for what? To have my work removed. It is very upsetting to me. I really don't want to do this anymore. It's taking a lot out of me everything I get a message from a reader. I said it before when they removed ADSOL that I don't want to publish here anymore. I did it for those who don't have AO3. But I can't keep doing this.


@sharonc053 AO3 has either a bookmark option or "mark for later" option. I choose the latter typically. That will save your books right to your history :). 


@LittleSpoonStyles94 that's pathetic, and they remove it without giving you a a chance to rally for yourself or allowing us to rally for you!!  Well we are better off with AO3 then!  I don't think it's a hate thing, I think it's complete green-eyed monster jealousy!!  You are by far one of the best authors I have read in a very long, long time!!  The hate stems from jealousy about how freaking well you get your story across (cos you do, I can actually picture it) F them and wp we stand with you and will move to where you move 