Hello, lovely reader!
I am Christine Daae. Currently, I am working on my music career but I find I get very lonely. I am open to questions, dares, and chatting!
(( uhh yo. Im Ollie and I run this little Christine Daae account thing. Im incredibly awkward. So if you want to become friends, just know I'm weird as hell.
Anyways! I enjoy musical theatre and roleplay a lot!)
- Paris
- IscrittoFebruary 16, 2018
Iscriviti ed entra a fare parte della più grande comunità di narrativa al mondo
Storie di ✿Christine Daae✿
- 2 storie pubblicate

♬♩♪♩Ask Christine Daae the Opera S...
Coucou! I am Christine Daae!
I am open for questions, chatting, and possibly dares! Please do not hesitate to...