
Everyone should check out this beautiful story ❤️


Hello! Haha this is really's been five years since I've written on wattpad and basically it's just because life has gotten in the way! High school then college...I honestly just completely forgot about this story and my writing :( but if anyone is still interesting in reading more of "stop and smell the roses", let me know and I will continue it! I would love to finish the story because I put a lot of my heart into it  


Hi. I know you haven't updated in over a year, but I just wanted to say I read your stories all the time and I completely enjoy them. I do, however, wish there was an ending I could read :(


Hey I just updated my story haha, I know it's been a while  but I hope you like it! 


omg i just realized i commented here too


WOW thank you sosososososo much!! lmao soo happy you like it (i started it cause i was honestly bored XD) but it definetly a lot of fun to write, and get awsome comments ;P
          my computer has been acting weird lately, and doesnt let me open certain file. so your cover is not showing up right now :( but hopefully in a few days everything will be back to normal, and when i see your cover i will definetly update it to the cover of SASTR  :) thanks agian <3


HAI :)
          er, you prolly already know how much i love SASTR buuuut - hehe i love your story, it's just.. indescribable :( 
          lol i made you a cover and i realise now, it shouldve been black but i can do you another one in the morning it's late atm - anyways, it's a banner/cover whatever you want it to be !
          LOL - xx