
Sorry for taking so long I couldn’t get my email to work for over six months no big deal but I’m sure you asking that long ago means it’s over so no sorry


Hello :D How are you?


@Lonashipping4Life Good! (sorry for not replying sooner, I'm not usually on here)


I’m alright and like halfway Through the oneshot so don’t worry hbu 


Hello! I REALLY love your Lynxter one-shots and they're definitely my fave. I was wondering if maybe you'd update soon? Also, I've got a review for you if that's okay. 
          I can definitely see you improved overtime, and the human ones at the end are absolutely amazing. My faves are 'Family get togethers', 'Hypothetical',  'Proposal', 'Blizzard Cafe', 'Babysitting', 'Naps' and 'Carnival'. I'd love to see a 'Hypothetical' part 2!!! Please keep writing bc you're amazing at it!


Lynxter's my otp, so sometimes after reading about how everyone loves Lynxfall I just read the entire one-shots book and say to myself: 'This is proof.' Don't feel pressured to update, though. School's really important :D


Omg.. Tysm wth I actually only started the book because I wanted to get better at writing so Ty for calling out the improvement. I’m kind of busy with school but I’ll try to write another chapter hopefully Hypothetical pt 2. Tysm again 


Heyyy! I don't really know you but can you sign this petition on my profile? I feel like such an ad oof 
          It's about comfort women. They are women dragged into comfort camps and raped everyday by the Japanese military. About 200,000 of them.
          But they haven't gotten an apology for what was done to them. If you want to help, please sign the petition on my profile description! If you want, I can send you the link. I'm really sorry if you already have signed it. Have a great day.