You may have noticed that I have a new project! It's called Letters to Alya, Alya being the diary to a (physically) young Rusalka, Varya, who is forced to go to a magical public school after 107 year of swimming and messing around in the San Francisco Bay. Yes... let's just say she's immune to Mercury by now. She discovers the school isn't quite as much of a nightmare as she thought it would be- not to say it isn't a massive ball of stress, which it totally is.
Rusalki are creatures from Slavic mythology that are a cross between Greek nymphs, mermaids, and, in some regions, more fearsome monsters. They are like water nymphs in that they appear near sources of water, but mermaids in that they are incredibly beautiful and their singing can cause men to faint. However, they are also depicted as wild, tall, and hairy, like predators. It all depends on the regional beliefs. However, no matter where the myth is from, they are meant to be the spirits of women who died before their fated time.