@Longinus_Saver Talking about Others:
Sharing opinions on stories and the quality or style of writing is ok. We aim to create a safe community for everyone on Wattpad, so be kind, respectful, and please treat others as you would want to be treated, so don’t post any content that:
Bashes a user purely for personal reasons
Reveals any personally identifying information about other people, including private messages, photographs/videos.
Due to the fictional nature of stories and the chances of real names being used coincidentally, we are unable to remove a work for having the same or similar name to a real person. Only if there is additional identifying information, such as the city you reside or your work/school, is there a violation of our content guidelines.
Actively promotes violence or hatred. The promotion of hatred on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, disability, gender, age, sexual orientation, content that is intended to bully, threaten, or harass others, is also strictly prohibited.
General expressions of opinions are allowed, but they cannot be violent in nature or encourage others to attack Wattpad community members.
This ^^ is consider the rules not allowed for both hate and innocent accounts. If it was a mistake then Trash can send ticket but seeing account got deleted there was a reason, as it's NEVER no reason.
You believe your friend (that's fine) but we don't know only Trash knows or someone who read before account deleted knows. It's not false claims when we're just explaining because we've seen these type of issues before and before.