
this message may be offensive
Guys, today, June 3 2024, is my 22th birthday. Just to let all of you know.
          	Now it's 00:38 in Italy and I don't fucking know for how much will I resist from now before going to bed.
          	So, I send the message now before I forget.


@ LorenzoFerrari2002  I am from a Village but I live Close to Münster at the time


          	  Just a question, which German city are you from?


Franklin (new guy in the UNE story): “Today’s subject: Unconventional warfare tactics.”
          Miho: “…Go on.”


@LorenzoFerrari2002 Well, yeah. Just what a talk between the two would be like. There are new tactics almost every day.


            It's highly unlikely that Miho of all people would be a student in this kind of class.
            Because she's the one who wrote the book back in ww2


Probably something like that ig


Question. What would Miho's thoughts and opinions be on Ryan Cooper?
          5ft tall
          A wildcard most of his time 
          Refused to be an officer for 20 years 
          Has 25+ kids from different women(during his younger years)
          It's hesitant to use physical discipline 
          Highly strong 
          Is mixed with American, Ukrainian, Filipino, Canadian, German, Russian, and Polish 
          Will get serious at the right time/moment 
          Only respectful towards Generals and NCOs
          Has heard about Miho from Dustin(former commanding officer) and wants to meet over a sparing match 
          Has attended community College and has an  Associate degree, but never went to a university 
          Has earned the Medal of Honor and the Silver Star during his time in WW3 
          Winter considers him as another father figure(Ironwood is the first, Ryan is the second, and Dustin is the third)


Ciao, condividi pure le tue con me. Sappi però che se ci sono crossover con anime che non ho mai visto sarà un po' problematico... 


            E poi ci sarebbe anche Kantai Collection da aggiungere al mix.
            Questo é abbastanza semplice come spiegazione: Navi da guerra letteralmente personificate.
            Questo anime è conosciuto soprattutto in Giappone, ma é realmente bello. Consigliatissimo


            Io pensavo a Strike Witches (che ha qualche somiglianza con Izetta, ma ha molte più differenze, come ti avevo spiegato), che ci starebbe maledettamente bene in NHS, visto la quantità di streghe che sono le varie protagoniste delle varie serie (consigliatissimo quell'anime da parte mia, è molto bello)
            Oppure c'è Girls und Panzer: letteralmente ragazzine delle superiori che si sparano addosso con carri armati per sport. E non sto scherzando, c'è addirittura un intero maledetto torneo interscuola solo per questo sport. E la cosa più bella è che le varie scuole sono a tema di una nazione. Quasi sempre sono stereotipate al massimo, come quella Italiana, nota per amare il cibo e spendere tutti i loro soldi per esso. 
            Ci sono Tedeschi (iperdisciplinate e spesso scontrose), Americani (festaiole e molto MOLTO ricche), Inglesi (completo stereotipo dell'eleganza inglese con tè e proiettili), Russi (comunismo e Gulag, Italiani (cibo e carri scarsissimi), Finlandesi (infami fino al midollo e polka), Giapponesi (BANZAIIII!!!!! Letteralmente quasi solo Banzai Charges) e anche, con mio certo dispiacere e divertimento, i Francesi (la parte divertente dei Francesi è che litigano per tutto) e ogni scuola è limitata ad attrezzatura fino al 1945.
            Avrei altre idee, ma ho quasi finito lo spazio per scrivere


Oscar's abilities will be explained in the upcoming chapters, and Ozpin will use some deceptive tactics to help Oscar develop his new powers. At the same time, the ministry responds to discoveries about the abilities of the Remnant. It seeks ways to limit their movements, with Dumbledore inviting a zoologist to aid in this effort. Additionally, Oscar assists the injured Hagrid after a dragon incident, which inspires his friends and others to take on more responsibilities.


Not bad I’m more planning, one more chapter Maybe an epilogue for intervention, any thoughts on goblet of fire?


            First, we need to deal with the consequences of the Battle of Hogwarts, with the trial to the Umbridge (I hope that bitch faces justice as she deserves) and the Ministry discovering about Remnant because Team RWBY, Neo and Jaune were called to testify in the inquiry to understand what led to the Battle of Hogwarts, along with the various responabilities. I'd say that this part could be a couple chapters long...
            Next topic. The arrival of Qrow, Oscar (Ozpin), Winter, Ren and Nora to Earth to find the missing Huntsmen (my best bet to do it is by using the staff to create a portal) and the consequent meeting between dimensions. This part I'd say a couple chapters long is enough, maybe three, or, if it gets long, even four.
            The rest, I don't know.
            Those are the various topics you should concentrate on for now in the story and some ideas of how to realize them, but the story is yours to decide.


You know in the UAC RWBY story it'll be best to include Miho and Ooarai battalion too.
          Her and her battalion disappearing on Earth 1946 shocked the allies and the former Kaiser. The British Empire and Russia agreed to have Germany split in two rebuild it and it back as one nation till Miho returns/reveals herself.
          Keith is the only few direct descendants of the German Kaiser and the Philippines is the second place that has Miho's records and history.
          Great Italian States(you) has the uniforms and Mk II versions of the weapons.
          The UAC has the copy of the original treaty between the surrender of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union with Miho's signature as being an ally against nazism.


@LorenzoFerrari2002 also, Miho and Maho were the only two other than you, Texas, Sithlord, and Green to see me without my facemask(a Soviet shot my original one during WW2).
            And both made a mental note to NEVER take my mask off after witnessing me take out several hundred thousand troops in seconds in a fit of rage.
            Miho was somewhat jealous and highly impressed by my actions.


            And about the UC knowing about them, Miho was spotted during the Vacuo Campaign by a group of Italian Volunteers that reported: "Spotted a group of German dressed Soldiers in the Valean Army, unable to identify the unit."
            The existance of the Ooarai Battalion was known, but it wasn't know what unit it was until the Faunus war in the 1960s (remember, while in the UC is 2070 or more, in Remnant is 2026 in Volume 1), when a couple of German born soldiers actually managed to meet Miho in person after the battle of Fort Castle in 1965.


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            Yukari's strenght is her knowledge about tactics and mechanics of every single weapon and veichle in use in Atlas, and her ability to infiltrate and gather informations.
            But when we're talking about Reflexes, Strategic Thinking during Combat and sheer Brute Force, Miho is pratically the strongest (it's said she never lost a fist fight since her arrival in Remnant, but was never confirmed). Miho is also an amatorial inventor with a lot of creativity (she actually managed to make a tank fly like a plane) and she really likes to do it.
            Hana is probably the deadliest Sniper in Remnant and, with some exceptions in History, probably on Earth too. Her longest shot with confirmed kill was around 8.823m far, shot with a 75mm tank gun and the target was a German Panther Tank (Miho, after she saw the hit, said: "Hana, that was the most god fucking beautiful shot I've ever seen... Can you do it again?", to which Hana took other TWO shots at roughly the same distance, taking down other two enemy tanks).
            Saori,  despite being probably the most "normal one" of the group, has something that none of the others have: The capacity of making a radio transmit over almost every Jamming System in the world, due to her hard work at learning everything about how the radio works and her own Hobby of doing experimentation with electric components (like how Miho likes to play around with technology in her spare time).
            And then there's Mako, probably the most intelligent of the group and the fastest to learn. She might be lazy and sleepy (medical conditions: Low Blood Pressure), but she's someone who can learn how to use things without problems only by giving a fast reading to the manual. She's also a really crazy driver, able to do things that many people would consider impossible.
            In the end, the Ankou Team is a group of experienced and coordinated soldiers that is not to be taken easy. Alone they're already dangerous, together, they're a nightmare.


this message may be offensive
Guys, today, June 3 2024, is my 22th birthday. Just to let all of you know.
          Now it's 00:38 in Italy and I don't fucking know for how much will I resist from now before going to bed.
          So, I send the message now before I forget.


@ LorenzoFerrari2002  I am from a Village but I live Close to Münster at the time


            Just a question, which German city are you from?


Hi! I wanted to check in, sorry about not reading that story, I was trying to copy and past the URL into a search engine but couldn't figure it out on mobile. Then I lost intrest in Wattpad for a bit. I am wondering about that Strike Witches story you said you wanted to make. Are you still working on that? If so then I would love to read it! Stay safe out there and good luck.


            And you remember when I said about Rommel not being a Nazi by having a granddaughter that HATES Nazis?
            She's that granddaughter.


            Ok. But, at least, I'll tell you who that carachter was: She was no other than who was believed to be "The Most Powerful Witch in the whole World" (even more than the extremely powerful Yoshika Miyafuji, protagonist of the canon anime, rated at 36.000 M.P.S.), rated at 42.500 M.P.S. (M.P.S. stands for "Magic Units Per Second"), even more than the extremely powerful Yoshika Miyafuji, protagonist of the canon anime, who was rated at 36.000 M.P.S., she's the Karlslander Oberst General Fieldmarshall Kaiserliche Wache Frau Miho Maria Nishizumi V.C. B.K. M.H. (yep. That's her full name and titles), also known as "Die Legende" (October 23 1925 - November 15 2050)