
I think I'm finally happy with this draft of the story! I will try to post every 2 weeks for the next chapters. https://www.wattpad.com/story/204165116


I don't know if y'all have noticed, but Perhaps Something New is back up and there are 4 chapters up. I have 12 chapters written out and now my wonderful friend @goflan12 is helping me type it up. It's been slowly updating (because of school and flu) but hopefully we'll be working out a more normal schedule. I really hope y'all enjoy my story, and if there's any suggestions you'd like to make, they are completely welcome. Thanks for reading and remember to stay awesome and beautiful! ♡


I just took Perhaps Something New down for a bit because I just noticed some major plot differences between the written and typed copies. I should be putting up again by New Years. Thanks for reading and remember to stay awesome and beautiful! ❤


Hello everyone. I wanted to know if anyone would be interested in my posting a poetry book or two. One of them would be a little dark, and the other would be more normal. Thanks for reading and remember to stay awesome and beautiful! ♡


An Update on TBN: Hello. Hopefully there will be several chapters posted today. I still do not know what to call my story, however, I feel it will gain more popularity if it has some name. So, for now I will be calling it "Perhaps Something New". However I want to know y'alls thoughts on what you think an appropriate name for the story as it progresses. 
          A question: I began writing a story last school year and became too busy to continue and finish it, however it is called "The Story of Ella May" and it is quiet different from my other stories.  If y'all would like me to post it, please let me know in the comments down below. The updates for the story may be much slower than Perhaps Something New, however The Story of Ella May isn't my main book. Thanks for reading and remember to stay awesome and beautiful! <3


Hello, it's been a long time, I know, and I apolgize. I have been extremely busy with school coming to an end and teachers trying to cram in the stuff they didn't teach all year. Summer is very soon and I will have nothing to do with my time.  In this time I hope to write short stories and post them while I'm working on my main book. I may do short stories for main characters for past books that I will not continue to write, just so that I do not out write my characters. I'm hoping to make a book on here and fill it with these stories. I will label what story (if the characters have a story) I'm writing from. I do not have a title for the book I am writing, however I may post some short stories (or character building stories) which I will label as TBN (To Be Named). I will put a reminder in the book, but the things I write may not be canon or relevant to the story, I may write something just to see how I like the couple or if I like the outcome. I will however put if there is a spoiler or potential spoiler to the story in the begining of the update and if you choose to read the spoiler please do not comment it in the main book when I post it (its ruins everyone's fun and it will be deleted). I again thank y'all so much for reading these updates on what's going on. I change my mind often and these keep y'all up to what my current thought process is. Thank you so much and remeber to stay awesome and beautiful! ♡


Hello, I know I said I would be continuing Hell's Angel, and I still might, however I am writing a story that I like much better. I don't have a name for it but I like the way my writing flows in the story. If you are willing to help me come up with a (working) title for the story please message me. I'm sorry for not posting for updating, however I am hoping y'all will like this story as much as I do. Hopefully when I do post it, it will be the first 3 chapters. Thank you for your patience and remember to stay beautiful and awesome!♡