
          	MeganXJoon coming up and I'm sooo excited for RM's BIRTHDAYYYY!!!!!!
          	I'm working on something (new) and I'll post it here on his birthdayy,,,,
          	hope you'll like it!


@Louisa_Blossom my bias birthday o(〃^▽^〃)o 
          	  Waiting for the surprise


you never guess what happend today at school unnie! so i was in my theater class (yes i have theater) and my prof said 'so i wil will play this game where we give this box trough the circle, if it stops at you you open the box and pick something out of it' (btw there was nothing in the box, the others had to guess what you where portraying). so the pulls out his phone and start playing Pied piper! I was like 'wait i know this song!' and then i was like 'but how does my prof know it?' and then i was like 'what! my prof is an Army! that's cool!' (or he has kids that are Army, haha. this is all happening inside my head btw). tbh most fun class i had today. every time he needed music he played BTS! it was AMAZING!
          sorry for no crochet update again tho. i really try but exams ended a few weeks ago and they already strarted white the exam tasks for june. crazy right? and on top of that: i have been sick for the past week so i misssed a hole week of classes. college is tuff (but fun!)
          anyway that was my day unnie! hope you liked my littel story of my theater class haha. how you doing?
          <3 bookworm


@Hyitsmethebookworm Omg wow I didn't know that yeah thats pretty cool AND fun. I don't have many practical subjects cause I'm not good at it but I really like it. I'm thinking of taking up music next semester...anyway, it was nice to talk to you :)


Hahaha yeah i am good now unnie! It’s good to hear your good aswell. I thought it’s been some time that i wrote to unnie why not tell her what happened today,haha. And i don’t really have a problem being on stage bc i already have a degree in theater… and arts… hahah bet you didn’t know that about me huh. I just can’t skip those classes bc they are specifically for how to do it with the kids. (We also have dance and music, cool right?!)
            Have a great day unnie! <3


@Hyitsmethebookworm Hii,, it's good to hear from you after so long!  You have theatre? Isn't it scary being on the stage? Also, NO WAY, your professor is an ARMY? Really wish that happened to me too. I'm sure it was AMAZING- BTS songs playing during class?!! Woah...kinda iconic of the prof to play "Pied Piper" first and then transform the classroom into a concert hall instead of studying... it's a practical subject so I'm pretty sure he got away with it....hahah Just Peak Vibes :)) yeah college is crazy don't worry abt crochet do it only when you get time ALSO hope you're doing okay now?? Tc of your health too like BTS say don't exhaust yourself trying to do everything it's okay... Abt me? Well I decided to check Wattpad today coincidently I'm doing good too just busy with stuff yk...college same same....anyway it was nice it chat with youu have a great day todayy <3


Hi Unnie!
          first of happy new year! to a wonderfull year full of happyness and good health. i wanted to send a massage because it's been so long. unfortinatly i don't have a crochet update for you :(  i've been supper dupper bussy with school because exames are comming up. i swear who ever thought of letting students do exames in january and ruin christmas break, is a compleet a**(excuuse my language).
          anyway happy hollydays form Belgium!


@Hyitsmethebookworm YESS LETS GET IT!!! Can't wait for my Christmas present yess we will celebrate and I will start writing again too (: thankyouu and all the best!! Lets start this year with a bang (; ( bang to the tan to the bang- bangtan)


haha i will think of all the books an crocheting i can do after the exams ( and i am gooing to try to make a puff quilted blanket for a friends chrismas presant. we are gooing to celebrate after the exams) you as well best of luck with the rest of your exams. you can do it unnie! let's indeed show them who's boss here! and let BTS also be a motivation, it's Bangtan year after all :)


@Hyitsmethebookworm Hiiii HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! <3 <3 It's nice to hear from you. Yes, it's been a long time. It's okay abt the crocheting I miss it but I'll wait :) You can update whenever you want.....I can understand how busy it must be considering even I had exams in December and they are still going on TT it ruined my Christmas Break and New Year celebration :(  that word and a few nicer ones are totally called for-  but I won't vent anymore....it's okay these exams will get over soon I know it sucks but still yk....think of all the books in your tbr list after you're done with exams and your crocheting- that's motivating, isn't it? Also, Best of Luck ( show those exams who's boss ha ha) once again have a great year <3 <3


          。 。。
          Happy New Year!
          。☀。 。。
          。 。  


@read-go HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! I hope you have a joyful, prosperous and sucessful year ahead full of good heath, peace and love!!! May God bless you chingu yah <3 <3 <3


Once I had a friend now wondering where did she go


@Louisa_Blossom These days are very borring not productive since my exam postponded
            Iam a stupid bear like joonie eating sugar eating sugar Σʕ゚ᴥ゚ノʔノ


@read-go Hii Chinguu,,
            I'm right here <3 "can't you see me?" (txt) o_0 :))
            actually I haven't been online on whattpad since a few weeks, exams are coming up yk....
            Anyway, how are you doing? How's your day? :D


Did she got kidnapped Σʕ゚ᴥ゚ノʔノ
          Alien are you here or did you go to visit ur alien frnds


@read-go Hiii chingu :)
            I'm here "I'm fine" How are u?!? :D


Hey alien,, hope you are fine healthy and happy,, I miss you so much,, I don't to know what to say have so much to say but dont know where to start (all about our joonie ofcourse) and you too 
          Don't catch any cold be health happy ,, study well,, try to write next chapter too I didn't want my fav author to miss the flow of writing but studies first 
          Hmmm okay bye 


@read-go I think hobi will want to kidnap jin instead :D
            lets see if Joon is also upto something this time too (;


@read-go yeah awaiting 10 October,, I got a lot of chingus atleast 10-12 in my college too but I think God has blessed me with such great and amazing friends ( inc youu and a certain bookworm) to make up because I didn't have many friends in school at all :)


@read-go Heyyy chinguuu <3 <3 <3
            I'm happy and healthy. I hope you're doing well too :)
            Miss you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much TT 
            Yeah Joon's active on insta again (; 
            what r u doing nowadays?
            I will study well I am going to do my best :)
            My heart longs to write,, of couse,, but I will have to wait patiently for the right time :}
            Tc chingu-yah
            Like Rm said- good energy, good vibes
            Tc chingu-yah
            bbyee :D


Hi Hi unni! 
          it's been i while hasn't it? but i have a surprise for you! can you guess?
          if you guest bt21 crochet pluchie update, you guest correct!
          so here i present to you Tata: https://forms.gle/qNxTRUCcauHfcXLbA
          hope you like it! 
          how are you btw? it's been a while, and tbh i quit mis our conversations.
          <3 Bookworm


@Hyitsmethebookworm College is fun and exciting !!! I hope you make lots of special memories :)
            I'll wait for your next surprise (;


i have been doing good aswell! i really like going to college. i had a tuff first week but i really love it! so glad you like Tata, it really took some time bc of college starting and decorating my dorm and everything. next up is the our pink bunny! (and maybe another little surprise!) <3


@Hyitsmethebookworm Yeah its been sometime since we talked :))
            I'm good, thanks for asking (just busy with college stuff)
            Hope you're doing well too <3