hey guys,
I have decided not to continue writing Little Things as all things are just too tied up and I am getting bored writing the book so I'm assuming you're getting bored reading it.
I just want to explain a little more about this story and who it is for.
So, I have read a lot of fan fictions about love at first sight and the perfect relationship or the one where the man girl is always like stick thin or never bigger than a size 10 trust me I have read and written plenty of those stories myself. but this one their relationship if there ever is one I'm not even sure yet, will be hard and Alex is not skinny not by a long long shot she is a girl who is big, she cant wear whatever she wants and go shopping in all the same stores her friends do because she knows stuff in there wont fit her. she also doesn't like trying on clothes in fear that they may not fit, so this is for the fans or any girl who is like Alex, like me, socially awkward, big and really insecure please read on and I hope it makes people who don't understand, understand and I hope it can give girls and guys who don't think they could ever be beautiful to someone realize that there is someone out there to make you feel beautiful but for now I love you all and you are all beautiful xxxxxxx