
@dragonryder im sorry that i haven't been around for the past... 4 months? has it really been that long? wow. but i am sorry anyway, i've been having alot of personal issues... your message is very nice by the way :) made me feel special haha although its 3 weeks late of a reply :L and as for the juice box situation, i am afraid to say that no matter how much you want to seem like a you mean business as soon as you get that 'JB'  (which sounds like you mean justin bieber btw ;3) out, you look like a child in an office :L (if that made any sense) but yeah.... hmm, for the updating of 'my fantasy hero' the problem is that i remember where some of the story line was meant to go, but i am pretty lost to be honest... i am out of ideas at the moment, but if there is anyone who would like to help me brainstorm at some point you can mail me or leave a message here, i will be checking for the next while, while i work on thinking out new idea's and things.. but anyway.. yeah... rambling... hmm... love you guys/lasses (whichever you prefer to be called) 


@dragonryder im sorry that i haven't been around for the past... 4 months? has it really been that long? wow. but i am sorry anyway, i've been having alot of personal issues... your message is very nice by the way :) made me feel special haha although its 3 weeks late of a reply :L and as for the juice box situation, i am afraid to say that no matter how much you want to seem like a you mean business as soon as you get that 'JB'  (which sounds like you mean justin bieber btw ;3) out, you look like a child in an office :L (if that made any sense) but yeah.... hmm, for the updating of 'my fantasy hero' the problem is that i remember where some of the story line was meant to go, but i am pretty lost to be honest... i am out of ideas at the moment, but if there is anyone who would like to help me brainstorm at some point you can mail me or leave a message here, i will be checking for the next while, while i work on thinking out new idea's and things.. but anyway.. yeah... rambling... hmm... love you guys/lasses (whichever you prefer to be called) 


I drink juice boxes and I get taken seriously... Sort of... *glance around at disbelieving peoples* ... Pfft, there's no point... It's a near impossible feat... To be taken seriously with a juice box, that is... Juice box is a really long word, so I'll shorten it to JB, even though I'm not going to use the word in the remains of this... Comment? Message? Is that what this is? Yeah, I think it's called a message... Anyways, the point of this was to get you to update, couldn't you tell? I'm quite persuasive, right? Anyways... Please update. We love you. Bye.


OMG. almost finished chapter 1, then the computer decides to be a nasty pasty and now its all gone. -.- 2 weeks of plans and work gone. I DON'T EVEN HAVE ITUNES! like wtf? it decided to un-install that in it's rampage of retaliation for leaving it on for too long.. ffs, so pissed off. these things seem to happen to me far to often. :( so if you were waiting for chapter 1.. I'm so sorry.. it will take a little longer than I'd ever thought possible :( I feel bad for being so neglecting of my beautiful followers :( 


Sorry for not updating for the past 2 weeks... a lot of stuff has been getting in my way and I feel terrible for making a new story then leaving it for so long... I hope you're glad to know that I'm currently writing the first chapter of His Fantasy Hero but if you haven't already you should go and have a read of my prologue and leave a comment or a vote to let me know that you liked it :) here's an easy link:- Did I mention I love you all? :L well I do :D


Hello lovely fans of mine, if you were wondering if I was going to make another story, wonder no longer! :L I've just posted the prologue of my new story 'His Fantasy Hero' or HFH for short, it's a Niam story :) you should go and read it, and leave a comment with your thoughts :) love you all x