
Snow day tomorrow!!(yayy, more time to study & read). Does anyone read webtoons?


Gonna be 16 tomorrow. Just feels like another day. As I age, I begin to realize that my birthday becomes less important(or relevant?) to me because it's losing its fuel. Well anyways, where my fellow Pisces at? 


@Lovely-Smiles Thank you! Although its not like it used to be, im happy with how it is now. I kept looking at the negative side of it when there is so much better on the bright side. Thank you so much for your words and the birthday wish( ^ω^)


@Lovely-Smiles Happy 16 B-Day! And I totally understand were are you are coming from. I'm 22 years old now and Birthdays for me as I get older just is like any other day....It's sad. But I still try to make something out of my birthday when it comes around. And you will too. It may not be like it uses to, it just changed and you will find a way to make it different and unique to you. :)


Thank you so much for following me!! I'm Janie xx I am recently new to Wattled and I hope to be well received in this community and I hope we can build a relationship. I hope to talk to you soon xx


@Lovely-Smiles Thank you so much! Yes! I am planning to! :)


@TorchwoodXInstitue A warm welcome to Wattpad! I hope you enjoy the books here(thousands and thousands of amazing ones.) Maybe you might even write your own? (*^o^*)