
I love how I post on here like someone's actually going to reply back  so stupid. 


Four years and my life hasn't changed a bit since I was 18 and graduating. I'd always thought I'd have my life together and everything would be looking up for me. I wanted a year off before going to college to find who I am, but I was forced into going to college right after high school. So guess where I am now... thousands of dollars in debt and nothing to show for it. Is college really that important and is it really for me? I'm stuck doing things in life I never even wanted to do. Will I ever get out, or will I still be floundering in life because I let people dictate and control my every moment? I don't know but I want out. 


My mom found a big a$$ spider ad tried to kill it, then we couldn't find I told her it was crawling on her leg, I think that's the fastest I've ever seen her move, but she actually killed it because it was smashed on the floor. XD So funny......Hahahahaha lolz