
Tell me why did I tell ChatGPT not to reduce this lady.
          	For context I'd like to make this character in the future for Sims, I'm not super knowledgeable on the show so I asked ChatGPT to help me figure out some skills. ChatGPT got her mixed up with another character I corrected it by saying something along the lines of "no not Jennifer, Jessica Max's Ex Wife." It then proceeded to limit her in my opinion as a homemaker and caregiver.
          	I told it exactly "Stop. Please review who Jessica Randy is in the show and not reduce her to only Max's ex wife." It then corrected it's self to "I apologize for the misunderstanding! You're right to point out that Jessica Randy in Banana Fish is much more than just Max's ex-wife. Jessica Randy is a more nuanced character. She's a journalist who is linked to Max Lobo, but she is also independent, strong-willed, and not afraid to get involved in the complex world" I feel both ashamed and proud of myself.


Tell me why did I tell ChatGPT not to reduce this lady.
          For context I'd like to make this character in the future for Sims, I'm not super knowledgeable on the show so I asked ChatGPT to help me figure out some skills. ChatGPT got her mixed up with another character I corrected it by saying something along the lines of "no not Jennifer, Jessica Max's Ex Wife." It then proceeded to limit her in my opinion as a homemaker and caregiver.
          I told it exactly "Stop. Please review who Jessica Randy is in the show and not reduce her to only Max's ex wife." It then corrected it's self to "I apologize for the misunderstanding! You're right to point out that Jessica Randy in Banana Fish is much more than just Max's ex-wife. Jessica Randy is a more nuanced character. She's a journalist who is linked to Max Lobo, but she is also independent, strong-willed, and not afraid to get involved in the complex world" I feel both ashamed and proud of myself.


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Saw another horrible comment literally a min ago. For context a book updated about 5 hours ago. So one of the comments was along the lines of " a fed child is better and healthier than not feeding them something cause it's 'unhealthy' " I agree with this comment. Fed is Best. Now for even more context as to why I'm so upset, I'm AuDHD. I know as a child and especially when I was a toddler and younger I was very "picky" with my food. The best way I can explain it is that I couldn't eat certain textures and tastes and there were times when I wanted nothing else than the same 1-3 meals. It still happens to this day. It doesn't last forever and it didn't when I was younger either. For  Example about two months ago I only wanted to eat mashed potatoes (at my age I'm able to mix it up so I would still be eating differing and filling meals). Another Example is in the last 2 weeks I've only wanted to drink Chocolate Oat Milk even when I had water, tea, and soda available. It's only dwindled down a day or so ago. My mom is also AuDHD and has similar issues so she gave me what I would eat. Fed is best. When I was old enough to understand she taught me the same, when I inevitably have children Fed is Best. Of course try to feed your children healthy meals but if for whatever reason they can't eat it, Fed is Best. Now for the horrible comment "^ expect those kids on my 600 pound life"... Fuck You. Just absolutely Fuck You. That comment to me is saying that every kid with dietary needs, every autistic kid, every neurodivergent kid, every picky eater, every struggling parent, every mother who can't pump no matter how hard they try is fat or fattening their kid. That's so fucking hurtful


Btw I muted them. I don't want to see any comments or stories by them if this is how they view children.


Hi. I see you have been upvoting my story(Thanks for enduring it although looking back, its quite cringe, aint it?) Any feedback?
          Just to give a heads up, the writing only tones down the cringe towards the last parts of Book 2.


@Sonadowviva1 if this is about Rocket and Ruby's romance, the build-up's not supposed to be shown here, and will be explored in the prequel, so sorry. The reveal for Quill and Ruby's relationship will not seem important but it will connect to Ruby's backstory which will be seen in the future


@Sonadowviva1 I haven't finished the first book yet so I can only somewhat speak on it. It's pretty good, the only things I'd recommend is a once over because there are few grammar errors that somewhat happen alot, just little things like spaces, capitalization, and punctuation. If you need some extra help on things like that (grammar, flow, spelling) there are extensions and sites that can help. I personally use free Grammarly but there are others too, most are technically for essays but they still work. Last thing I would suggest is more moments and build up between Rocket and Ruby. It doesn't have to be multiple extreme expressions of love, it can be subtle little things like compliments, being on the same wave length (like if Rocket's going over his prison plan, she could think 'oh he's going to turn off the gravity.') , helping each other out, maybe talking a little more. For example in Prison Break Ruby thinks something along the lines of 'is that really your biggest priority?' If this was something she had said to Rocket that'd be an easy way for them to have a cute banter moment. This doesn't just apply to them, it's known Ruby has a closer connection to Amber and Quill and having little 1-2 sentences really can help set I guess a tone about their relationships. Sorry that was alot, the book is really good and I enjoy it. I look forward to seeing what happens next!


Saw a horrible comment today (that was posted 5 months ago so no excuse to be ignorant imo) it said "straight just say straight" and it bothered me so bad. For context it was on a section for amab's sexuality which was Bisexual with a preference for women. I wrote one comment feeling very confident that I would post it but ultimately just put it in my clipboard. I don't want to fight people (definitely not online) especially on things that I'm 98% sure about. I kept looking thru other comment sections on the same chapter and saw a few more comments on other sexualities (like Omni) that were by the same person and others with similar opinions ig, I wrote another shorter comment, also put that in my clipboard. I'll put it here since I know no one will see it. First comment I made : "I'm a bi woman with a preference for women and a boyfriend who I love very much. Thank you author for representation of the immense spectrum of LGBTQ+! I'm not lesbian like the comment below me would impose. I'm a bi woman (whose also demi) who usually finds women more attractive. Sexuality isn't typically 50/50 to my knowledge at least." 
          My second comment: "Not loving the comment section so far, it's giving 'people should fit in one box!' and that's just not how sexuality works". 
          Some part of me still wants to post this in that commenters replies or even just in the comment section, maybe it'll soothe others that feel the same as I did but I'm a coward so I'll just block her and move on.


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Ugh I just read a horrible comment that essentially was saying that because it was a gay couple it wasn't abuse it was just a fight. That pisses me off so bad! You do not hit people that you are in any type of relationship with (family, friends, romantic, sexual, ect) when you are supposed to, on some level care about them. That is abuse (physical atleast) it doesn't matter gender. You don't hit people you claim to love and care about! This comment was also trying to argue with someone saying that well then (for context a guy was beating up his boyfriend, another guy came in and beat up the abuser) guy c is also being abusive. That's not really how it works these two guys didn't even know each other, it also wasn't about having control and power over someone else. Them fighting is more idk how to explain it, it's not as damaging ig as if someone like your boyfriend decided to start beating you down. Personally even if they only punched me "a few" times  that would hurt mentally and emotionally more than if a total stranger decided to beat me to near death. I guess I should mention this was a black gay couple which may explain why this commenter was such an evil bitch. Black men are still people, they can get hurt. They do get abused and raped and sexually assaulted too. It's not as often or common as women but that doesn't mean that they deserve it either. Nobody deserves that shit!


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Something i hate on here is that it's so fucking common that a character that's on the softer side (personality or like how they dress) are often infantilized. Which like there is communities that are into that but I am not one of them. I should say that these stories don't say they're apart of those communities nor do they put any related tags so to me it dosent belong in said story.
          I mainly try to read black stories and they're are so many stereotypes that I hate like if they're nice they're weak, if they're softer they need to protected and treated like a child (this is not to say someone shouldn't be protected, I love knowing that if I was in trouble my bf would do his best to protect me and vise versa and I love seeing that in stories), the same thing goes the other way too, tough people can't ever be vulnerable, can't cry or breakdown, people can't have flaws or character arcs. It's just so disappointing to read sometimes. 
          I should say I'm Bi so I read straight books, lesbian books, and gay books. I see these (imo harmful) stereotypes and more across all three.


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Ugh it's one of those days where my brain is deciding to nitpick every sentence I read! "I am not going back" that doesn't make sense, people don't really speak like that especially when they're panicking and upset.  It'd only make sense if the character was like "I have to go back for them.", "I'm not leaving them (or leaving without them).", "I'm not going back (without them).", etc. People only say "I am" if they're trying to emphasize or prove a point like " I am going back for them!" , "I am staying." But usually this is said somewhat calmly during some type of aftermath (there's definitely been times in movies where someone is yelling or sobbing but still very determined and it is after).
          "He can be dead" That doesn't make sense. It's "He could be dead (already!).", "They could've killed him (for all we know)!" "He's dead.(!)" , etc. 
          "I love him too, but we got to get the fuck out of here" Personal preference I would've wrote "I love him too, but we need to get the fuck out of here!" Or " I love him too, but we need to stay alive (not die) first!"
          "As we were running he falls down." Now I might be wrong on this one but something in brain is telling me it's "As we were running he fell down." Or "As we're running he falls down."
          "She says running to the direction of the scream we hard" Personal preference again "She says running directly towards the scream."
          "I told you we shouldn't run away!" I think it's supposed to be " I told you we shouldn't have run away!" Or "I told you! We should've stayed!"
          "What did you wanted? That there's spread us as well as take us?" *Sigh* "What did you want us to do? They would've speared (hurt) and taken us too!"
          "They would kill him!" Would doesn't work there... "They will kill him!", "They're gonna kill him!", "They could've killed him!", "They might (might've) kill (killed) him!"
          "The good news is that means we can survive..." I'm not sure why this sentence doesn't sound right to me. "The good news, we can survive..."


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I almost always write on here when something bothers me because I know nobody reads these. Now for my bother today. There's this game 'It's Just a Prank' one of those semi short horror games. *Spoilers Ahead* It's about this kid who constantly played pranks (it's a horror game so you can guess how it's gonna go here)
          I was watching one my favorite youtubers play it (I had seen other of my favorites play it already but not this particular duo) Everything was fine, I was reading some comments I thought it'd be fine because this channel I've never seen bad or mean comments at the top. I was reading this one comment something about Johan (the prankster) being a serial killer child which I completely agreed with then looked at the reply for that comment. I read it and thought ' you're so stupid bro!' That comment said something about Johan never had the intent to kill, it was an accident and he decided to blame it on Filip (the player). That's just complete bullshit. Johan exhibited behaviors common in serial killers. He killed small animals (rats) than escalated to slightly bigger animals (cats and dogs usually but he killed a badger it looked like) which is ugh. Another behavior is that he was so unempathetic. Agatha (the killed) was being abused by her violent and alcoholic dad, it was clear the teachers knew but didn't care (one teacher didn't discipline Agatha just sent her home. Game had good voice acting, I wasn't confused by tone.) The students (including Johan who had problems with Agatha's dad beforehand so definitely knew that guy could get scary) were scared of him and at the very least  understood that Agatha was in danger. Johan had got her in trouble in the very beginning of the game and lied that she was to blame (remember when I said the teacher didn't discipline her ) Filip was worried about her (and never met the man) but Johan brushed it all the way off he didn't give a shit. His "pranks" grew more and more cruel everytime.


I didn't want to reply to that comment because I don't wanna argue with some random guy who likely would just keep repeating 'but I'm right!' That's too much mental strain and stress for me so I ranted here for a few mins and I'm never gonna think of this guy again.


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He made a soda explode in someone's face (which is dangerous), switched someone's juice (personally I think the kid was allergic because he immediately threw up), left a dead rat on Agatha's desk ( and allowed her to be blamed for that too). That kid was definitely a serial killer child. After Agatha died from Johan "pranking" her by "scaring" her which led to her falling and "accidentally" hitting her head. This stupid fucking commenter...  The thing that bothers me the most with this comment is that after Johan kills Agatha he has no sadness, guilt, shame, fear, etc which sometimes occurs with a manslaughter or accidental death cases. Now I do agree that Johan was planning on blaming Filip for Agatha's death since the whole game Filip is playing along or doing the action such as handing the soda, switching the juice, throwing the paper balls (not leaving the rat tho, that was all Johan) even tho they were Johan's plans. Filip was constantly the middle man, the scapegoat, even the alibi.  (my explanation makes Filip sound like a bad kid, he's not. He truly didn't see or understand how cruel Johan is or could be. Its also subtly hinted at that Filip is being neglected so he was likely clinging to a hope that his best friend isn't a bad person and to have somebody who cares about him). It makes sense that Johan would think "huh teachers already think all of my pranks are really Filip's pranks, it wouldn't be hard to name him as the boy who cried wolf turned murderer to other adults." So in conclusion Johan is horrible and definitely a serial killer child and I personally believe that he purposely killed Agatha and was planning on blaming Filip for her death and I think this commenter had a very stupid moment.


So I finished watching aouad yesterday, I was watching with my mom whose a therapist (this is important I promise!) And you know the rooftop girl whose name I forgot we were like y'know I'm feeling bad for her because this bullying is going crazy but also she kinda makes me uncomfortable. We continue watching but whenever she comes on screen I make a remark like "I hate that something so horrible is happening to her but something feels off about her..." we get to episode 7 or 8 something like that and my mom snaps to get my attention and says "she's got school sh00ter energy!" And I go "oh my god you're so right!" Then she says "that's why you're feeling sympathetic but also like err she's not someone I'd wanna be around" I don't know how to explain the faces we made but suddenly my brain was like "oh my god she does give school sh00ter energy oh my god"then she blows my mind even more and says "he (rooftop boy) has that energy too not as apparent but it's there." Guess what happens next...the boy leaves the others knowing they're on the other side of the door!
          Anyways I'm sorry for anyone who reads this but it was circling in my brain since last night and I had to get it out somewhere!