
Hey guys! <3 if you haven’t read my book “The widow of a murderer; The trial of Emmett Till” now is your chance to do so while it’s FREE because it’s going on hardcopy or paperback soon to be published so people can buy it in stores !  I am also working on two new books, my book on Andrew Goodman, and my other book on Viola liuzzo , so stay tuned for those two books coming in March 2024. 


Yo Ruth! Found u, I do not like ur shitty as man that u constantly surround urself for an excuse to be hurt and drink over. Nor am I insecure. You already knew that tho. Buuuut, if u need to run off with ur mouth whilst im blocked. Only proves that ur the one who’s insecure 


Hey guys! <3 if you haven’t read my book “The widow of a murderer; The trial of Emmett Till” now is your chance to do so while it’s FREE because it’s going on hardcopy or paperback soon to be published so people can buy it in stores !  I am also working on two new books, my book on Andrew Goodman, and my other book on Viola liuzzo , so stay tuned for those two books coming in March 2024. 


Yo Ruth! Found u, I do not like ur shitty as man that u constantly surround urself for an excuse to be hurt and drink over. Nor am I insecure. You already knew that tho. Buuuut, if u need to run off with ur mouth whilst im blocked. Only proves that ur the one who’s insecure 


This morning I checked my story gold medals and I got #1 in EMMETT TILL STORIES and number #2 in civil rights movement and #4 in black history IM AT THE TOP OF THESE 3 categories  my story is top notch wonderful if you haven't read it yet!!
          Its DEFINITELY worth reading ‼️ 


I am currently writing a book on Andrew Goodman and typing it on here so it’ll be published soon! The books on my wattpad I’m also gonna get put on hardcopy once I get a publisher for all my books I’ve hand written, and typed. I’ll find a publisher and have all my books uploaded on hardcopy once I edit new details in them and correct any errors / mistakes haha 
           #thelifeofawriter #author #historian #writer


If you’ve followed my old wattpad @lovelyhistorian I’m PRE WRITING, editing NEW details / re typing all of my books I’ve hand written from there to this new wattpad !! So all my books I’ve written from my old wattpad will be typed on this new wattpad so you all can keep up with new story updates and current books I’m writing and publishing on here too