
Did i start writing a new story when i don’t even update the stories I already have? ofc i did 
          	Will i probably abandon this one too? hopefully not hit the odds are never in my favor


When are you gonna update “that night out” ?


 @happyandgaytv i’m ngl i would but i don’t know where i’m going with that story lol. I’ll try just for you tho <3


It seems like a really good story and something I’m actually very interested in so I would just love for you to update the book again <3 


I was in the mode to reread mrs.scarlett rose only to remember that it was taken down
          and then i remembered someone said it was on dreame and i downloaded it only to find out i have to pay with coins after the first few chapters 
          @queeny163 pls come back and bring me back my lifeline