
A warm welcome to the Luciole Book club! This club is run by:


Our aim is for authors a-like to have their book reviews not touching just the introduction, but rather the whole book or as the story is ongoing.

If you are interested in applying to be a member, check out the book club Guide Book and sign up the form to participate! If you have any questions regarding the book club don't be reluctant to message the admins above.
  • Everywhere
  • انضمJune 11, 2016

الرسالة الأخيرة
Luciole_Bookclub Luciole_Bookclub Sep 08, 2016 09:15AM
Dear fellow followers,Remember to add the allocation and the guide book to your library so you can receive updates.
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصص بقلم Luciole
The Luciole Bookclub بقلم Luciole_Bookclub
The Luciole Bookclub
Hello there, a warm welcome to The Luciole Book Club! In this bookclub, my aim is for you writers to obtain...
The Luciole Allocation بقلم Luciole_Bookclub
The Luciole Allocation
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4 قوائم قراءة