On JK Rowling:
It's been incredibly hard to find joy in Harry Potter characters anymore. Every time I mostly reclaim them in a positive light, she goes and does something even worse than the last time. I'm over her transphobia. I'm so tired. I'm sorry to anyone who was excited about my update about continuing my WolfStar one, but I'm not. I'm going to delete everything but Please and Seventh Year. I'll finish Please because it would be unfair to everyone, but after that I don't think I'm ever writing with these characters again. I can't even say my House with pride anymore. I haven't decided if I'm keeping the books and merch I have or not yet. I'd hate to burn the books and reclaim the characters positively enough to want copies of the books a few months down the line. Don't get me wrong; there's many issues with her writing, but some of those characters kept me alive. But I'm never buying official merch again, even if I do manage to reclaim them in a positive light. I'm not giving her another cent from a person she obviously doesn't feel like should exist. I'm not her "sister." I'm not a woman at all. And anyone who thinks I am can get off my page. I'm not going to be kind to transphobic people anymore. That goes for any sort of hate toward any minority group. Get. Off. My. Page. If. You. Believe. That.