**MY MAIN ACCOUNT IS @Owl_of_Artemis!**

T H I S acounʈ is usϵd foя яolϵ-playing puяposes. To яolϵ-play on Wattpad, I will cяϵate a story with sϵctions such as "яules" or "LunaClan Cats". I will also have a sϵction for яolϵ-playing. Thϵn you will makϵ a commϵnt on the sϵction for яolϵ-playing and othϵrs can make a commϵnt to youя commϵnt.

Plϵasϵ be sure to follow me oncϵ you havϵ joinϵd, so I can visit youя account to give you updatϵs, oя othϵя infoяmation. That bϵing said, plϵasϵ don't follow me unlϵss you havϵ joinϵd.

S O W H A T A R E Y O U W A I T I N G F O R ?
L E T ' S R O L E - P L A Y !

•☁• Sţrɛngƫh •☁• Pяidɛ •☁• LuɴaCʟaɴ •☁•
  • LunaClan!
  • JoinedJune 1, 2014

Story by Falconstar and Mangokit
LunaClan Roleplay by LunaClan_Roleplay
LunaClan Roleplay
W E L C O M E T O L U N A C L A N where the trees of all kind twist to the bright blue sky and rivers o...