:3 Well hello, fellow humans. I'm the one and only, Luna Crawford, you know one of the main antagonist From Thewonderfulwiccans story. "Robin's Sacrifice" The most insane chick you will ever meet. *Huffs* So the only reason why I have this account, is so I can stalk my victims. *coughs* EVERYONE. *Smiles innocently* So below is a list of things about me, cuz apparently those are a must have.

Reasons why I'm crazier then all of you.

~ I have a nutty 'father' who kidnaps children.
~ I do whatever I want, when I want.
~ I can get away with naming my weapons.
~ TheWonderFulWiccan made me, so obviously I'm screwed up.
~ I actually managed to ambush Robin.
~ I don't have the cliche backstory.
~ And no one, knows my real name.
~ I am a OC Created by, @thewonderfulwiccan

*Jazz hands* So vola, I am obviously crazier then crazy. *Slowly points a knife at you* So, don't piss me off. *Pauses* oh wait, I am in need of an alliance, so anyone crazy enough to work with me?!

  • Gotham City, Stalking Batman
  • InscritMarch 13, 2015

Dernier message
LunaIsCrazy LunaIsCrazy Feb 28, 2017 07:29PM
(Wtf happened to my pf pic ;-;
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Histoires par Luna <3
The History Of Luna par LunaIsCrazy
The History Of Luna
Heyo, Luna here. The most psychotic chick you will ever meet. So Admin told me that since no ones knows anyth...
Stupid Tags, and crap.  par LunaIsCrazy
Stupid Tags, and crap.
Because someone thought it would be a WONDERFUL idea to tag me! So why not, I mean this could only mean the s...