• Im very shy to people who i don't know,but if you completely Know me I'm a very talkative and Active i like making new friends..i don't judge people, sometimes i cant say no to someone..

• I have a BestFriend who'll beat you when she's excited or very happy..

• Im a girl (Hate Girly Things)

•Hanging out with my Squad
•Dark colors


•People who disrespect my friends or Family
•Girly colors
•Bully's to my Friend
  • InscritMarch 12, 2018

Dernier message
LunaMoon_0816 LunaMoon_0816 Sep 26, 2018 06:09PM
Wow Im Stuck ._.
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Histoires par 👑⚜️LunaSanchez⚜️👑
CC-137 par LunaMoon_0816
It's Like Rick and Morty's Dimension but Different than that.. CC-137 Dimension is we're these Twins got to C...
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