
Soo… in my last post, I had mentioned I was working on the next part to “Truly Banished”. I had experienced a momentary rush of energy of which convinced me to start writing it, but only managed a few sentences before Writer’s Block hit me in the back of the head. Ever since then, I haven’t much glanced at the story nor have had the general interest to write for it. So until further notice, “Truly Banished” is on hiatus. I’m really sorry, I did really want to continue writing it but every time I try, I just blank. For now, I’ll leave the story up for the few readers who’ve liked it. Hopefully the spark I had that made me begin writing the story in the first place will reignite someday. Again, very sorry for the inconvenience. Till next time! :)


Soo… in my last post, I had mentioned I was working on the next part to “Truly Banished”. I had experienced a momentary rush of energy of which convinced me to start writing it, but only managed a few sentences before Writer’s Block hit me in the back of the head. Ever since then, I haven’t much glanced at the story nor have had the general interest to write for it. So until further notice, “Truly Banished” is on hiatus. I’m really sorry, I did really want to continue writing it but every time I try, I just blank. For now, I’ll leave the story up for the few readers who’ve liked it. Hopefully the spark I had that made me begin writing the story in the first place will reignite someday. Again, very sorry for the inconvenience. Till next time! :)


Hello, posting real quick to let everyone who's read my "Truly Banished" story that I will be making some edits to correct some mistakes. So if you receive a notification or two that the story has been updated, know that it isn't a new page being added. With that being said though, I may try to write up a new page after rereading what's been uploaded so far. No promises though as I have a tendency to procrastinate, so try not get your hopes up too high. :P
                    Also, random question, but am I the only one to think "Aragorn" was spelled and pronounced as "AraGON"?? Because despite hearing his name many times, I only just realized how it's actually spelled just recently.


Hello!! Yes, I’m alive. Let’s see if this works. Never used this feature before. As some may notice; shortly before I post this, I deleted most of my stories. Will probably delete the “Wolf News” one if this thing works out. In case any wonder why I deleted all my stories: it’s something I wanted to do a long time ago but never figured how ‍♀️. I wrote those stories what feels like many years ago and felt that they didn’t deserve to keep existing. Plus I believe one of them had more A/n’s than story, I think. Either way I didn’t like the stories and that’s that.
                  Will I ever post anything in the future? I’m not sure and highly doubt it. For I have this tendency to get the sudden inspiration to write something for a short time then completely forget about it and not bother to update what I wrote. Something I should probably work on but I’m a procrastinator so who knows! :P But essentially it’s that reason, that and I feel like it’s mean to give readers a story then never update it for them or something, that I’ll probably won’t upload any stories here anytime soon.
                  Though I did get the sudden motivation to potentially write a story that takes place after “Who Killed Markiplier”. Specifically how I imagine the D.A. becoming an angry phantom after being trapped in that mirror and such. This motivation, funny enough, is what led me to discovering how to delete stories. As I had clicked the pencil icon, saw my old Lightiplier story, and thought, “Hey I wonder if there’s a way I can delete this now?” So who knows, maybe the universe will get me to actually write a complete story for once.
                 Anyway! That’s all I wanted to say. I shall be returning this accounts posting activity back to its grave, so don’t expect to hear from me again for the foreseeable future. Unless of course I actually end up writing that Who Killed Markiplier fanfic Lol. 


Wattpad replaced my shrug emoji with the female gender symbol? Weird.