The Best 
Cant Find You,
Until You Put
Behind You

Please tell me new book ideas

No more writing
Might update some storys
  • EntrouApril 6, 2016

Última mensagem
Luna_Bug24 Luna_Bug24 Jan 16, 2018 04:32AM
Any ideas about what my next book should be about? Please I need ideas.
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Histórias de "My Name Shines"
Where Thoughts Will Fall, de Luna_Bug24
Where Thoughts Will Fall
Father said wonderful things. He was known for quotes and inspirational words. I Use them even when he is gon...
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The Puzzle Piece, de Luna_Bug24
The Puzzle Piece
Wanted something then got it and you really did not want it anymore? A gift or curse? What's her decision? Is...
My Difficulties And My Life~Don't Hide, de Luna_Bug24
My Difficulties And My Life~Don't...
You need to read to find out....
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1 lista de leitura