
Alrighty then well I fixed the knew. Now, its  a touch  late here. Regretfully (seriously)  I shall depart. 


@TheyCallHerAvalon No need for regrets or apologies im quite accustomed to having online friends living in different time zones. Si I shall c ya later suppose or whenever you require my assistance.


Would you uh mind terribly much helping me with the re-write senpai?This young grasshopper requires your assistance. Because it (ATST) needs a major overhaul,like I need my daily dose of sugar. The grammar mistakes in this post alone should provide you with enough proof of my decent into darkness.


@TheyCallHerAvalon Lol no I wouldn't mind at all. In fact I love helping out others, albeit the fact ypu called me Senpai made me even happier to do so. Young grasshopper huh I never had a student before could be fun.
            Yeah I wasn't going to mention them but at least you are mature enough to admit you need help.